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MaintIE: A Fine-Grained Annotation Schema and Benchmark for Information Extraction from Low-Quality Maintenance Short Texts

This repository contains the data, models, and code accompanying the paper titled MaintIE: A Fine-Grained Annotation Schema and Benchmark for Information Extraction from Low-Quality Maintenance Short Texts published in LREC-Coling 2024.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Scheme
  3. Corpora
    1. Overview
    2. Format
    3. Normalisation and Sanitisation
    4. Statistics
      1. Overview
      2. Fine-Grained Expert-Annotated Corpus
      3. Coarse-Grained Large-Scale Corpus
  4. Models
  5. Results
  6. License
  7. Contributing
  8. Contact
  9. Attribution

1. Overview

Maintenance work orders (MWO) are concise and information-rich, user-generated technical texts capturing data on the state of, and work on, machines, infrastructure and other engineered assets. These assets are the foundation of our modern economy. Information captured in MWO is vital for asset management decision-making but is challenging to extract and use at scale.

This repository contains MaintIE, a multi-level fine-grained annotation scheme for entity recognition and relation extraction, consisting of 5 top-level classes: PhysicalObject, State, Process, Activity and Property and 224 leaf entities, along with 6 relations tailored to MWOs. Using MaintIE, we have curated a multi-annotator, high-quality, fine-grained corpus of 1,076 annotated texts . Additionally, we present a coarse-grained corpus of 7,000 texts and consider its performance for bootstrapping and enhancing fine-grained information extraction. Using these corpora, we provide model performance measures for benchmarking automated entity recognition and relation extraction. This repository contains the MaintIE scheme, corpus, and models, which are available under the MIT license, encouraging further community exploration and innovation in extracting valuable insights from MWOs.

Example of MaintIE Tagged Texts

2. Scheme

The MaintIE annotation scheme is described in the Scheme section of the repository.

3. Corpora

3.1. Overview

The annotated MaintIE corpora is composed of two sub-corpora - 1) the Fine-Grained Expert-Annotated corpus (./data/gold_release.json), and 2) the Coarse-Grained Large-Scale corpus (./data/silver_release.json). Statistics of the MaintIE corpora, including the top-level entities and relations in these two sub-corpora, are outlined below.

3.2. Format

Both corpora comprise a set of items pertaining to texts annotated with entities and relations. An example item is shown below.

    "text": "change out engine",
    "tokens": ["change", "out", "engine"],
    "entities": [
        "start": 0,
        "end": 2,
        "type": "Activity/MaintenanceActivity/Replace"
        "start": 3,
        "end": 4,
        "type": "PhysicalObject/DrivingObject/CombustionEngine"
    "relations": [
        "head": 0,
        "tail": 1,
        "type": "hasParticipant/hasPatient"

Where the fields correspond to:

  • text: Lexically normalised and sanitised MWO short text (string)
  • tokens: Tokenized text (Array[string])
  • entities: Entities corresponding to tokens in tokens (Array[Object])
    • start: Start token index of entity span (integer)
    • end: End token index of entity span (integer)
    • type: Entity type corresponding to the entity span (string)
  • relations: Relations between entities in entities (Array[Object])
    • head: Index of head entity (integer)
    • tail: Index of tail entity (integer)
    • type: Relation type corresponding to the relation (string)

3.3. Normalisation and Sanitisation

Before undergoing semantic annotation, the MaintIE corpus underwent two primary preprocessing steps: normalisation and sanitisation.

Normalisation involved:

  • Converting non-canonical words to their canonical forms.
  • Expanding abbreviations.
  • Correcting character casing.

Sanitisation ensured the privacy and relevance of the data by:

  • Masking sensitive information with the token <sensitive>.
  • Representing non-semantic data, such as IDs, numbers, and dates, with the respective tokens: <id>, <num>, and <date>.

For examples illustrating this transformation process, refer to the overview section.

3.4. Statistics

3.4.1. Overview

Measure Value
Total Texts 8,076 (1,076 + 7,000)
Total Tokens 43,674
Unique Tokens (Vocabulary) 2,409
Minimum Tokens / Text 1
Maximum Tokens / Text 13
Average Tokens / Text 5.4

3.4.2. Fine-Grained Expert-Annotated Corpus

The Fine-Grained Expert-Annotated corpus (gold standard) comprises 1,067 texts double annotated by two domain experts. The table below contains the distribution of top-level entities and relations in this corpus.

Total Unique
# Entity Type Count % Count %
1 Activity 278 9.0 27 9.0
2 PhysicalObject 1,994 58.7 222 73.8
3 Process 146 4.0 9 3.0
4 Property 35 1.0 1 0.3
5 State 438 12.9 42 14.0
3,397 100 301 100
# Relation Type Count % Count %
1 contains 38 1.6 15 0.9
2 hasPart 533 22.8 417 23.7
3 hasParticipant/hasAgent 166 7.1 127 7.2
4 hasParticipant/hasPatient 1,206 51.5 936 53.3
5 hasProperty 34 1.5 28 1.6
6 isA 364 15.5 234 13.3
Total 2,341 100 1,757 100

3.4.3. Coarse-Grained Large-Scale Corpus

The Coarse-Grained Large-Scale corpus (silver standard) comprises 7,000 texts annotated by a deep learning model trained on the fine-grained corpus and subsequently reviewed and validated by a single domain expert. The table below contains the distribution of top-level entities and relations in this corpus.

Total Unique
# Entity Type Count % Count %
1 Activity 5,045 23.0 373 11.0
2 PhysicalObject 13,472 61.0 2,379 72.0
3 Process 728 3.0 118 4.0
4 Property 130 1.0 32 1.0
5 State 2,747 12.0 396 12.0
22,122 100 3,298 100
# Relation Type Count % Count %
1 contains 178 1.2 137 1.1
2 hasPart 3,873 25.5 3,290 25.5
3 hasParticipant/hasAgent 789 5.6 716 5.6
4 hasParticipant/hasPatient 7,761 52.3 6,745 52.3
5 hasProperty 123 0.9 116 0.9
6 isA 2,512 14.7 1,894 14.7
Total 15,200 100 12,898 100

4. Models

We've conducted experiments using token-classification (SpERT) and sequence-to-sequence (REBEL) models to enable automatic information extraction from MWO short texts. For comprehensive details about the models, their training methodologies, and steps to reproduce our experiments, kindly refer to the Models section in this repository.

5. Results

The detailed results of the entity and relation extraction models are provided in the Results section. It includes per-class entity and relation F1 scores, both micro and macro, alongside other key evaluation metrics. These results are crucial in understanding the performance of the models in identifying entities and relationships within a given text corpus.

6. License

This project is protected under the MIT License. Check out the LICENSE file for detailed licensing information.

7. Contributing

Feedback and contributions are always appreciated. If you encounter discrepancies in the corpora or see opportunities for model enhancement, please don't hesitate to submit a pull request for our evaluation. Additionally, should you have any questions or need clarification about the contents of this repository, reach out to us.

8. Contact

For any specific inquiries or discussions, kindly get in touch:

9. Attribution

If you use MaintIE, please cite us!

    title = "{M}aint{IE}: A Fine-Grained Annotation Schema and Benchmark for Information Extraction from Maintenance Short Texts",
    author = "Bikaun, Tyler K.  and
      French, Tim  and
      Stewart, Michael  and
      Liu, Wei  and
      Hodkiewicz, Melinda",
    editor = "Calzolari, Nicoletta  and
      Kan, Min-Yen  and
      Hoste, Veronique  and
      Lenci, Alessandro  and
      Sakti, Sakriani  and
      Xue, Nianwen",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)",
    month = may,
    year = "2024",
    address = "Torino, Italia",
    publisher = "ELRA and ICCL",
    url = "",
    pages = "10939--10951",