Please note: TSWoW is in early development stage. While we have a lot of features implemented, there are still many things left to add and the editor environment has a few stability issues.
TSWoW (TypeScript WoW) is a free modding framework, mod loader and integrated development environment for the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (WotLK) expansion.
With TSWoW, you use the TypeScript programming language and the VSCodium editor to easily modify the World of Warcraft game data and to script the behavior of the server.
TSWoW is not a new server emulator, we have a standard C++ emulator forked off modern TrinityCore and stay close to this upstream. We use a highly effective TypeScript->C++ transpiler for server scripts.
Modding Beginners - We have crash course aimed just at getting new people started!
Modding Veterans - TSWoW is primarily aimed at making modding more efficient and powerful. You will very fast realize the power of improving your workflow using programming instead of GUIs.
TSWoW is a programming environment, and the language we use is TypeScript. This is among the easier languages to learn, and is very similar to Java, C#, JavaScript, Python etc. If you know any of those, you can probably learn TSWoW by just following the crash course. However, if any of the following is foreign to you then you might want to review them before you get started:
- Integrated development environment (IDE)
- Functions, objects, classes, methods
- Callback functions / Delegates
- Command-line interface
The AzerothCore files in this repository are not for users, they are only intended to ease further development as has been requested by AC maintainers. Please do not interpret their inclusion here as a commitment to its development on our part.
TSWoW is currently nowhere close to compatible with AzerothCore.