This map is used to visualize the swings in presidential election voting by county between the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections.
To access the map, go to this link: and the map should load and display.
The color on the map represents the % swing for that county, not necessarily the winning party. So, if Red won in a county by 10% in 2016, and then won again in that county in 2020 but by only 5%, then that county would display as Blue because the county swung towards Blue; even though Red was the winning party both times. This is because this map focuses on changes in voting for a county as opposed to just displaying standard election results for a county.
You can use the mouse to click on or hover over any county in the continental United States and see the data for that county. This was done so that you could click on a county and then hover over another county in order to compare two different counties.
The data displayed on click/hover is:
the name of the county
the winning party swing (i.e. how much more or less % of the vote the winning party got from 2016 to 2020)
the winning party name
2016 democrat votes
2016 republican votes
2016 third party votes
2020 democrat votes
2020 republican votes
2020 third party votes
Created for UCCS CS 4420 2021 Fall Semester
Election data taken from Harvard Dataverse MIT Election Data + Science Lab:
Tool used to generate label data:
Geographical data obtained AlbersUSA project by hrbrmstr: used per liscence agreement.
Nicholos Merrill
Justin Zarkovacki
Nathan Shulkin
Connor Wooten
Tyler Semple