Releases: njoy/ENDFtk
ENDFtk v1.1.0
This update adds additional interface functions to complete the human readable and ENDF speak interface for many objects:
- the NBT() and INT() interface functions to complement the boundaries() and interpolants() functions already present in TAB1 and TAB2 style components
- the numberInterpolationRegions() functions to complement the NR() function already present in TAB1 and TAB2 style components.
This update fixes the following issues:
- Older versions of ENDFtk sometimes read numbers like '2.0000000+0' as 1.999999999 instead of 2. The disco library was replaced with a new version included in the tools library that fixes this issue. In addition to fixing this issue, parsing ENDF files is now 10-20% faster.
ENDFtk v1.0.1
This update does not add any additional functionality.
This update fixes the following issues:
- A compilation issue in a unit test that still used the old catch-adapter (see issue #193).
- Macros for pybind11 were added where required so that other pybind11 bond libraries can accept ENDFtk components as input arguments on the python side (e.g. covariance matrice blocks). This is currently limited to all ENDFtk section components.
ENDFtk v1.0.0
This release of ENDFtk has the following changes:
- All ZA values in the interface (the ZA value in the HEAD records, the ZAP values in the MF6 and MF26 reaction products, etc.) are now changed to integer types instead of a floating point type
- MF6 and MF26 now have additional functions that allow a user to look for specific reaction products
- MF9 and MF10 now have additional functions that allow a user to look for specific excited states
The CMake files have also been updated to simplify adding new unit tests.
This release cleans up some of the dependencies and updates most of the dependencies to more recent versions. In particular the Catch2 unit testing framework was updated to version 3.3.2. All unit tests were updated to use better floating point comparison available in this version of Catch2. A number of NJOY dependencies have also been consolidated into a single new dependency (the NJOY tools library) to reduce the number of dependencies to a more manageable level.
ENDFtk v0.5.0
New features:
- covariance data in MF31, MF32, MF35 and MF40
- the new MF7 MT451 section for general information about thermal scattering
- adding a few convenience constructors in MF3, MF9 and MF10 sections
- adding convenience has_section(mf,mt) and section(mf,mt) functions to the ENDF tree components
Note: the development priorities after this release will be outstanding minor updates and updates to the dependencies. After that, with the ENDFtk functionality being almost 100% complete, some refactoring on the interface may lead to deprecation in future releases.
ENDFtk v0.4.0
New features:
- The ENDFtk tree Section object now contains its own content string (previously the Tape object contained the entire content and the underlying Material, File and Section had iterators into the Tape content). This was done to allow for editing existing ENDF files by allowing insertion, replacement and removal of individual Material, File and Section objects from a Tape.
- Added a function to update the directory in MF1 MT451
- The basic ENDF records (TEXT, CONT, LIST, TAB1, TAB2, etc.) now have a python interface as well
- Duplicate MEND, FEND and SEND records are now ignored (a warning message will be printed when this happens)
- Full MF23, MF26, MF27 and MF28 capabilities for photoatomic and electron data
- Full MF33 cross section covariance and MF34 angular distribution covariance capability
ENDFtk v0.3.0
New features:
- ENDFtk now supports the enumerated MF8 sections for fission yield data
- Full MF9 and MF10 capabilities for radioactive isotope production cross sections and branching ratios
- Full MF12-MF15 capabilities for photon production data
- The ranges v3 library was updated to one of the latest releases, which removed some of the issues we have been seeing in the past with some g++ compiler versions (mainly g++-8 and g++-9). This update also slightly improved compilation time and memory usage during compilation.
ENDFtk v0.2.1
- Explicit include statements for std::optional were added to resolve issues with the C++ standard library used on our GitHub actions.
- All ENDFtk unit tests will now run every Monday.
ENDFtk v0.2.0
New features:
- Full Python support
- Tape and Material support, including skipping unsupported MF/MTs while parsing entire tapes and materials
- Full MF1 capabilities
- Some fringe interface changes were made in MF4/MF5/MF6 to provide a better interface
ENDFtk v0.1.0
First release of ENDFtk