#set up instructions. Note that all the instructions in setup are with respect to git repository home: "fe_enriched" mkdir build cd build #ensure that DEAL_II_DIR is correctly set to dealII build directory with the correct dealii version #petsc should be installed #see pull request dealii/dealii#6277 cmake .. make
#for debugging p3m constraint line error with 50 items use build/src/step tests/step/multiple_source_enriched.prm tests/step/atom_n3_50.data #generates triangulation_debug.vtk file with a patch of cells around cell with a particular problematic dof (8611) #the function relevant is debug_constraint() in the include/solver_trilinos.h #the vtk file labels based fe indices, (if cells have dof 8611) and material id #run the problem in debug mode to ensure the same dof gives the constraint line error #initial tests reveal that both the cells cotaining dof (8611) have same fe index, material id!
#Unit tests. cd build/tests/step && ctest
#The main executable is: build/src/step
#usage with parameter files #Note: one or two additional parameter files can be given to the main exectuable #single parameter file is given. The file includes solver parameters and optionally number of sources, enrichment functions, boundary conditions. #example usage with two source poisson's problem build/src/step tests/step/two_source_no_overlap.prm #other example parameter files are in tests/step directory: single_source_known_solution_enriched.prm single_source_known_solution.prm two_source_overlap.prm two_source_no_overlap.prm three_source.prm five_source.prm five_source_3d.prm
#2. two parameter files are given inorder to solve P3M problems. #The first file gives same information as above. but the information about number of sources and their position is ignored. e.g. "tests/step/multiple_source.prm" #The second file gives the number of sources, their charges and their position. e.g. "tests/step/atom_n3_25.data" with 25 atoms build/src/step tests/step/multiple_source_enriched.prm tests/step/atom_n3_25.data #for without enrichement use: build/src/step tests/step/multiple_source.prm tests/step/atom_n3_25.data