Thundering Sky is an in-development 8-bit Japanese-Style Role Playing Game reminiscent of NES JRPG games such as Final Fantasy, Dragon Warrior, and Secret of Mana.
The game is currently on hold, as we've learned that two weeks of LWJGL knowledge doesn't quite add up to a full '80s-style JRPG.
© 2017 nitrodragon, EthanBar22, SirNectarine, YoshiMelon24
- Add
(from the/lib
folder)to your External Libraries in your IDE of choice
- In IntelliJ you can use the
cmd + ;
shortcut to access this menu
- Open your build settings and insert this line into your VM options
- In IntelliJ you want to click the
Edit Configurations
button, in the upper right corn Replace windows with mac depending on your platform