This module ( BrandGraphQL ) returns information about brands using graphQL query.
GraphQL Query:
Query – is used to read or fetch values.
* brandData (Query): – The brandData query returns information about Brand.
File (schema.graphqls): Magento/BrandGraphQl/etc/schema.graphqls
* Resolvers : A resolver performs GraphQL request processing.
* In general, it is responsible for constructing a query, fetching data and performing any calculations,
then transforming the fetched and calculated data into a GraphQL array format.
Finally, it returns the results wrapped by a callable function.
* Resolver fetches the data and formats it according to the GraphQL schema.
Resolver Files:
Resolver - \Magento\BrandGraphQl\Model\Resolver\Brand
ResolverInterface - \Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Query\ResolverInterface
* DataProvider: Returns and convert brand data by code.
File Structure:
-- BrandGraphQl
|-- Model
| `-- Resolver
| |-- Brand.php
| `-- DataProvider
| `-- Brand.php
|-- composer.json
|-- etc
| |-- module.xml
| `-- schema.graphqls
`-- registration.php
A GraphQL request is represented by the following arguments, which will be processed by a resolver:
$field Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Config\Element\Field Fields are used to describe possible values for a type/interface
$context Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Query\Resolver\ContextInterface Resolver context is used as a shared data extensible object in all resolvers that implement ResolverInterface.
$info Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Schema\Type\ResolveInfo Structure containing information useful for field resolution process.
$value array Contains additional query parameters. Null in most cases.
$args array Contains input arguments of query.
Table: mdc_band
| brand_id | name | code | created_at | updated_at |
| 2 | Brand Name | brand_code | 2021-06-27 11:58:34 | 2021-06-27 11:58:34 |
| 3 | Brand Name Second | brand_code_second | 2021-06-27 11:58:54 | 2021-06-27 11:58:54 |
* Method - Get
* Syntax
Return the contents of a brand: brandData(code: String): BrandItems
* Payload/Request:
brandData(code: "brand_code") {
* Response:
"data": {
"brandData": {
"brand_id": 2,
"code": "brand_code",
"name": "Brand Name",
"created_at": "2021-06-27 11:58:34",
"updated_at": "2021-06-27 11:58:34"