Gamify is an innovative digital game distribution platform that allows gamers to purchase games and mint in-game collectibles/items as NFTs. Enter the world of Web3 gaming, where ownership, control, and earning potential are no longer just in-game achievements but a reality for every player. These unique NFTs can be later used in games, making the gaming experience more immersive and engaging.
To ensure seamless functionality, we have employed Polybase as our database, which efficiently stores all game-related data. The purchase of games triggers the smart contract deployed on Scroll Zk-EVM, which allows for secure and transparent transactions. After the completion of the contract interaction, the game is successfully bought, providing a seamless gaming experience to the user.
Gamers can mint NFTs related to the games, which serve as in-game items with varying degrees of rarity. These unique NFTs can be traded with the community, adding an element of collectibility to the gaming experience. This process is carried out via contract interaction. This smart contract is deployed to mantle testnet.
To facilitate communication between gamers, we have incorporated Push chat, which allows users to interact with one another, share tips and strategies, and build a sense of community. Additionally, push notifications are sent to users after successful game purchases and NFT minting, providing a sense of accomplishment and enhancing the overall user experience while gaming.
In summary, Gamify is a cutting-edge platform that leverages the benefits of blockchain technology to provide gamers with a seamless and immersive gaming experience. By allowing for the purchase of games and the minting of NFTs, we have created a unique ecosystem that enhances the user experience and adds an element of collectibility to the gaming world.
The full demo of the project on Youtube
Here are some of the Screen Shots from our website
- Games Page
- Game Purchase Page
- Minted NFT.
- All the NFTs that are minted.
The project uses Polybase for its database where it stores and renders all the images, text etc. related to the games on the platform. This technology helps replace the centralised databases by providing enhanced security, privacy, and transparency. It performs at a really fast speed, thereby allowing us to deliver a seamless experience to the users.
The most important aspect of the project is purchasing games. This is done by leveraging a contract deployed on SCROLL's Zk-EVM. This contract runs on L-2 and hence can help when the project needs to be scaled, i.e when more users are onboarded and there is a need to satisfy the requests of each user.
The following is the address and contract deployment link to Scroll
Contract Address: 0x3091da46A06528a46764b32c9AE8c58B3C221B5F
Deployed Contract Link:Link to deployment on Scroll Alpha testnet
Scroll Transaction details from Scroll Alpha Testnet
The NFTs are minted using a contract deployed on MANTLE. These NFTs are specific for a game. They are available in different rarities ("Common", "Rare", "Super Rare") and act as in game items or collectibles. For Example:- Gun skins, characters/avatars, swords etc. Once a game is bought by the user, they can obtain new collectibles by minting NFTs using the MANTLE contract.
The following is the address and contract deployment link to Mantle testnet
Contract Address: 0x941a364F4BDadbAbE876201200104a4d90042f77
Deployed Contract Link:Link to deployment on Mantle testnet
Mantle Testnet Transaction details after minting NFT
Every gaming platform needs a space for discussion that helps build a sense of community, provide support, feedback, learning opportunities, and increase player engagement and retention. Hence, we have introduced PUSH chat into our project, where each user can join the game community which is a PUSH group to discuss, trade and invite each other to play together in any game. Notifications is also a crucical component of this gamimg platform. They serve to keep players engaged, informed, and up-to-date on important events.Thus, the project uses PUSH notifications to help notify the user when a new NFT is minted and to also show the transactions to confirm their ownership, also notifications are sent after the successful purchase of games.
The follwing are the screenshots from the push staging DApp
Push Chat
Push Notification