ServiceID: java-microservice-example
Example implementation for a microservice written in Java and the Spring Boot framework.
Base configuration can be found at src/main/resources/ and bootstrap.yml. Spring Cloud Config is used for central configuration management. A central configuration is hosted on and injected during startup.
The Example API is designed using the editor (file: src/main/resources/api.yml) and the code generator for the Spring framework. The Maven plugin (swagger-codegen-maven-plugin) is used to generate defined interfaces automatically in each Maven build.
# standalone
mvn clean spring-boot:run
# in docker environment from core cloud infrastructure using 8085 as internal port
mvn clean package docker:build -P docker
docker run -p 8081:8085 nimbleplatform/java-microservice-example
The according Dockerfile can be found at src/main/docker/Dockerfile.
# get
curl http://localhost:8081/example
# post
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"prop1":"Jorge Lorenzo","prop2":99}' http://localhost:8081/example
The project leading to this application has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 723810.