##moved to storecamp/storecamp ###ecommerce platform ###see the main code base in app/Core directory ###the project is still in active development and it is not required to use it anywhere ###please if you'd like to help - become a contributor
###For future wiki
- Repositories and it's concrete classes are used to manage model collections and it's state. Please do not include business logic to it.
- We have app/Core/Logic folder for business logic classes. And its' contracts or interfaces are situated in app/Core/Contracts folder.
- app/Core/Components folder for form builders only.
- app/Core/Base is for base abstract classes.
- app/Core/APIs is for APIs implementation as for example youtube
- Drivers for some specific system or technologies features.
- app/Core/Models for Models.
- Observers for models events observe functionality.
- Policies for @availability or @can options. Main idea is for permissions.
- app/Core/Providers is for core Service Providers.
- Presenters are for different types of data types request/response instance presentation.
- Tansformers are to transform instance according to the required format(json, xml, array)
- Traits for any core traits
- Validators for any instance request form actions
- Simple, fast routing engine.
- Powerful dependency injection container.
- Multiple back-ends for session and cache storage.
- Expressive, intuitive database ORM.
- Database agnostic schema migrations.
- Robust background job processing.
- Real-time event broadcasting.
Thank you for considering contributing to the StoreCamp!
The StoreCamp ecommerce platform is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license. "# storecamp"