The above program simulates:-
a) 1) Set-Associative Cache Mapping
2) Direct Cache Mapping
3) Associative Cache Mapping
b) Least-Recently-Used as well as FIFO based hierarchy
c) Cache main-frame to find Hits and Misses on a given input address
d) Dirty-Bit changes based on load and store operation
CLASS cache_mock
cache_size: size of cache frame
block_size: size of each block
mem_size: size of the main memory
set_size: size of the set, 1 in Direct-Map, cache_size in Fully-Associative
lru: 1 for Least-Recently-Used and 0 for First-In-First-Out hierarchy
no_sets: total number of sets in the cache
container: Vector matrix which simulates the functioning of cache
loader: used to simulate loading data to processor from cache
storer: used to simulate storing data to cache from processor
display: displays the container frame
container_init: initialises the container frame
refresh_dirty: sets all dirty-bits to 0