TaskNest is a simple and user-friendly Task Management System developed with NestJS for the backend and React JS with 🍰 FSD (Feature-Sliced Design) architecture for the frontend. The primary goal of this project is to learn NestJS and FSD.
as a framework for building server-side applicationMongoDB
for storing and managing data
React JS
for building UIBootstrap 5
for responsive designFSD (Feature-Sliced Design)
as frontend architecture
JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
as a method for user authentication
User Authentication and Authorization
- Registration with activation link per e-mail
- Login functionality
Task Management
- Allows users to create, read, update, and delete tasks
- Each task includes details like title, description, due date, category and status
- Categorization of tasks into different categories (work, personal, study)
- Allows users to create, read, update, and delete tasks
Filter functionality
- Allows users to filter tasks by category.
Sign In Screen (Light Mode)
Sign Up Screen (Dark Mode)
Main Page (Light Mode)
Main Page (Dark Mode)
Edit Task