Optimization in RegularizedΝon-negativeΜatrixFactorization.
A feature engineering algorithm reducing the number of features while retaining the basis information necessary to reconstruct the original data.
A matrix V is factorized into (usually) two matrices W and C, with the property that all three matrices have no negative elements (PCA does not do that, the eigenvectors can be neg and we can assume negative correlation then). Also the factorization explains better the dimensions of sparse data than the Principal Component Analysis.You ask why now, i answear: PCA are projections into many orthogonal (or not) axis, but how can you see more than 3D (you can 4D if you studied Αdvanced Hardware Logic and the words "Critical Race", "Gray Code", "4bits" reminds you something) If you can for more than 4D -simultaneously- the Nobel prize of Physics is not enough. The factorization does not project vectors, calclulates geometric distances.
The optimization developed using the gradient descent steps.
C [t+1] = C [t] − n_t ∇ C [t] l(W, C [t] )
W [t+1] = W [t] − n_t ∇ W [t] l(W [t], C)
Where we keep one parameter variable and the other fixed in each equation. Iteratively we change the variable parameter based on the Gradient Descent Step. The input is an X table of data and the output the optimized lower rank W and C in order to minimize the least square error: min l(W, C) = ∥X − WC∥^2 ( the projection).
Used the yield to create generator in order to get the values for each experiment: W, C, epsilon value (value compared with the error for the early stop), the iteration it stopped
A gentle offer to a good friend to pass his last course in Machine Learning to get his master :)