Which player will the tooth fairy visit? What will come next? Play now in this game of Tic-Tac-Tooth.
- animated score board
- reset button
I brain stormed different theme options, tic-tac-yum, a foodie based app. Tic-tac-Holier-Than-Though, a battle between Gandhi and the Pope, and tic-tac-trump
Pen to paper I drew how I wanted the overall look to be. Then I typed out what the game needed to do:
- create two players
- mark a box
- track boxes marked
- track conditions for all possible 8 wins
- create a score board
- reset game
- Thinking through all possible scenerios for a win
- Adding more features with existing code and understanding what to update where
- Make it so it's not allowed to click on the same grid box twice
- Make it so after final winner is declared the game is over
- Have a draw option
- Make the images random
- Make a draw through the boxes animation
- Create a cover page where you click the tooth to enter
- Noun Project
- Bobby-Clark
- Picture of Sloane by Brandon-Crockett