open source web page template for instagram bio
Install insta_link with git
gh repo clone nikitafedorov008/insta_link
Open Google Drive and make copy of this google sheet
Open this Google sheet and go to instruments => script editor
write here your Google's sheet id on lines 3 and 36
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("paste your google sheet id here");
go to lib\config\config.dart and paste your instagram data
//copy the URL from your instagram photo and paste here
final String instagramPhotoUrl = 'paste here your instagram profile photo url';
//copy the your instagram profile name and paste here
final String instagramProfileName = 'paste here your instagram profile name';
//copy the URL from your instagram photo and paste here
final String instagramProfileTitle = 'paste here your instagram profile title or write some tagline';
Name | Input Type | Description |
copyToClipboard |
string - text | Copy to clipboard action |
openUrlSameTab |
string - url | Open URL in the same browser tab |
openUrlNewTab |
string - url | Open URL in the new browser tab |
For making links to yandex taxi use this link
top bar with Instagram information and some buttons
//button on the top bar
//button icon
//button title
//button on tap action
//open URL in new tab
copyToClipboard('you copied this text');
this is the website body
//code here
title of lower section
sectionTitle('Write some text here'/*section name*/),
card with Google Map
cardMap(context, _key,
//coordinates for Map
//URL for Google Maps button
'paste here google maps url',
//URL for Yandex Maps button
'paste here yandex maps url',
//URL for Yandex Taxi button
'paste here yandex taxi url'),
list of portrait cards
//portrait card from list
'imageURL':'paste here some image url',
'title':'write here some title',
'subtitle':'write here some subtitle',
'description':'write here some description',
'link':'write here some link',
'google':'write here google maps link',
'yandex':'write here yandex maps link',
'taxi':'write here yandex taxi link'
landscape card from list
//landscape card from list
'imageURL':'paste here some image url',
'title':'write here some title',
'subtitle':'write here some subtitle',
'description':'write here some description',
'address':'write here some address',
'link':'write here some link',
'google':'write here google maps link',
'yandex':'write here yandex maps link',
'taxi':'write here yandex taxi link',
card with big icon without image
//icon in the card
Icon(Icons.airplanemode_on_rounded, color: Colors.purple, size: 32,),
//card title
'write here some title',
//card subtitle
'write here some subtitle',
//card on tap action
card with requisition form
Takes two numbers and returns the sum.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import '../functions/copy_clipboard.dart';
import '../functions/open_url.dart';
import '../widgets/bodyWidget.dart';
import '../widgets/card_map.dart';
import '../widgets/card_with_icon.dart';
import '../widgets/form_widget.dart';
import '../widgets/info_fab.dart';
import '../widgets/list_card_landscape.dart';
import '../widgets/list_card_portrait.dart';
import '../widgets/section_title.dart';
import '../widgets/top_bar.dart';
import 'dart:js' as js;
//This is insta_link main page, where are all the widgets displayed on the screen
home(BuildContext context, _key) {
return Scaffold(
//top bar with Instagram information and some buttons
appBar: topBar(<Widget>[
//button on the top bar
//button icon
//button title
//button on tap action
//copy to clipboard action
//this is the website body
body: bodyWidget(<Widget>[
//title of lower section
sectionTitle('Карта & маршрут'/*section name*/),
//card with Google Map
cardMap(context, _key,
//coordinates for Map
//URL for Google Maps button
//URL for Yandex Maps button
//URL for Yandex Taxi button
//title of lower section
sectionTitle('Популярные маршруты'),
//list of portrait cards
//portrait card from list
'title':'Парк победы',
//title of lower section
sectionTitle('Популярные кафе & рестораны'),
//list of landscape cards
//landscape card from list
'subtitle':'4.7 - restaurant -',
'address':'пр. Юрия Гагарина, 71',
//card with big icon without image
//icon in the card
Icon(Icons.add_road_rounded, color:, size: 32,),
//card title
//card subtitle
'7 минут до КАДа на автомобиле',
//card on tap action
//title of lower section
//card with requisition form
//floating action button with business information
floatingActionButton: infoFab(context,
//text on the button
'доп. информация',
//name of the business
'ИП Давранова Яна Алефтиновна',
//information about business
'ОГРНИП 318784700371421\nИНН 780217152633\nтелефон +7 911 925-79-31',
Client: Dart (Flutter) Server: Google Apps Script
- Google Maps support
- Google Sheet data support
If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at
What did you learn while building this project? What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?
Additional browser support
Add more integrations
Yandex taxi integration
create web build
flutter build web --release
create new git
git init <project directory>\insta_link\build\web
Go to the project directory
git add build\web
change "/" to your repo name
<base href="paste here your repo name">
git add --all
commit and push
git commit
git push
after go to your github repo open settings => pages choose master branch as a source
repo example and webpage example
For support, email or telegram @nikitafedorov008.