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Container Apps Example Scenario


Fabrikam inc has created a new operations team, and under its organization there is a brown field app called Drone Delivery. This application been running for a while in AKS (Kubernetes), and while they are huge fans of containers to build microservices and K8s, it has been discovered that it is not making use of any of the advance features like custom Service Mesh or Autoscaling among others.

The team has detected an opportunity to be more efficient at the devops level, and this is why they are now looking into a new fully managed Container App service to experiment with Fabrikam Drone Delivery. This will allow them to publish and run containarized microservices at scale, faster than before, reducing the complexity, saving resources by using scale to 0 built-in autoscaling capability, and without losing all the container advantages they love.

Azure Container Apps is a new cloud native serverless managed service that is just using AKS with KEDA behind the scenes to deploy and run containerized applications.

Migrating a microservices workload from AKS to Azure Container Apps

This repository guides you during the process of running an example application composed of microservices in Azure Container Apps. In this example scenario, the Fabrikam Drone Delivery app that was previously running in Azure Kubernetes Services will be run in a newly created Azure Container App environment. This Azure managed service is optimized for running applications that span many microservices. This example will make some containers internet-facing via an HTTPS ingress, and internally accessible thanks to its built-in DNS-based service discovery capability. Additionally, it will manage their secrets in a secure manner and authenticate against Azure KeyVault resources using User Managed Identities.

Runtime architecture

❗ Workflow Service is a message consumer app, so it needs to be deployed in single revision mode, otherwise an old versions could still process a message if it happens to be the one that retrieves it first. The rest of the microservices are configured with multiple revision mode.

For more information on how the Container Apps feature are being used in this Reference Implementation, please take a look below:


  1. An Azure subscription. You can open an account for free.

  2. Azure CLI installed or you can perform this from Azure Cloud Shell by clicking below.

    az login
  3. Ensure you have latest version

      az upgrade

    Launch Azure Cloud Shell

Expected results

Following the steps below will result in the creation of the following Azure resources that will be used throughout this Example Scenario.

Object Purpose
An Azure Container App Environment This is the managed Container App environment where Container Apps are deployed
Five Azure Container Apps These are the Azure resources that represents the five Fabrikam microservices in the Azure Container App environment
An Azure Container Registry This is the private container registry where all Fabrikam workload images are uploaded and later pulled from the different Azure Container Apps
An Azure Log Analytics Workspace This is where all the Container Apps logs are sent
An Azure Application Insights instance All services are sending trace information to a shared Azure Application Insights instance
Two Azure Cosmos Db instances Delivery and Package services have dependencies on Azure Cosmos DB
An Azure Redis Cache instance Delivery service uses Azure Redis cache to keep track of inflight deliveries
An Azure Service Bus Ingestion and Workflow services communicate using Azure Service Bus queues
Five Azure User Managed Identities These are going to give Read and List secrets permissions over Azure KeyVault to the microservices.
Five Azure KeyVault instances Secrets are saved into Azure KeyVault instances. ⚠️ Currently only 2 out of 5 instances are being used as part of this reference implementation

Clone the repository

  1. Clone this repository

    git clone --recurse-submodules

    πŸ’‘ The steps shown here and elsewhere in the reference implementation use Bash shell commands. On Windows, you can install Windows Subsystem for Linux to run Bash by entering the following command in PowerShell or Windows Command Prompt and then restarting your machine: wsl --install

  2. Navigate to the container-apps-fabrikam-dronedelivery folder

    cd ./container-apps-fabrikam-dronedelivery

Create the Azure Container Registry and upload the Fabrikam DroneDelivery images

  1. Deploy the workload's prerequisites

    az deployment sub create --name workload-stamp-prereqs --location eastus --template-file ./workload/workload-stamp-prereqs.json -p resourceGroupLocation=eastus
  2. Get the workload User Assigned Identities

    DELIVERY_PRINCIPAL_ID=$(az identity show -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -n uid-delivery --query principalId -o tsv) && \
    DRONESCHEDULER_PRINCIPAL_ID=$(az identity show -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -n uid-dronescheduler --query principalId -o tsv) && \
    WORKFLOW_PRINCIPAL_ID=$(az identity show -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -n uid-workflow --query principalId -o tsv) && \
    PACKAGE_ID_PRINCIPAL_ID=$(az identity show -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -n uid-package --query principalId -o tsv) && \
    INGESTION_ID_PRINCIPAL_ID=$(az identity show -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -n uid-ingestion --query principalId -o tsv)

    Warning As part of this initial migration, only Delivery and DroneScheduler services are making actual use of the Manage Identities to access their Azure KeyVault instances.

  3. Deploy the workload Azure Container Registry and Azure resources associated to them

    az deployment group create -f ./workload/workload-stamp.json -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -p droneSchedulerPrincipalId=$DRONESCHEDULER_PRINCIPAL_ID \
    -p workflowPrincipalId=$WORKFLOW_PRINCIPAL_ID \
    -p deliveryPrincipalId=$DELIVERY_PRINCIPAL_ID \
    -p ingestionPrincipalId=$INGESTION_ID_PRINCIPAL_ID \
    -p packagePrincipalId=$PACKAGE_ID_PRINCIPAL_ID
  4. Obtain the ACR server details

    ACR_NAME=$(az deployment group show -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -n workload-stamp --query properties.outputs.acrName.value -o tsv)
    ACR_SERVER=$(az acr show -n $ACR_NAME --query loginServer -o tsv)
    az acr update -n $ACR_NAME --admin-enabled true
    ACR_PASS=$(az acr credential show -n $ACR_NAME --query "passwords[0].value" -o tsv)
  5. Build the microservice images

    az acr build -r $ACR_NAME -t $ACR_SERVER/shipping/delivery:0.1.0 ./workload/src/shipping/delivery/.
    az acr build -r $ACR_NAME -t $ACR_SERVER/shipping/ingestion:0.1.0 ./workload/src/shipping/ingestion/.
    az acr build -r $ACR_NAME -t $ACR_SERVER/shipping/workflow:0.1.0 ./workload/src/shipping/workflow/.
    az acr build -r $ACR_NAME -f ./workload/src/shipping/dronescheduler/Dockerfile -t $ACR_SERVER/shipping/dronescheduler:0.1.0 ./workload/src/shipping/.
    az acr build -r $ACR_NAME -t $ACR_SERVER/shipping/package:0.1.0 ./workload/src/shipping/package/.
  6. Get Application Insights instrumentation key

    AI_NAME=$(az deployment group show -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -n workload-stamp --query properties.outputs.appInsightsName.value -o tsv)
    AI_KEY=$(az resource show -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -n $AI_NAME --resource-type "Microsoft.Insights/components" --query properties.InstrumentationKey -o tsv)
    AI_ID=$(az resource show -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -n $AI_NAME --resource-type "Microsoft.Insights/components" --query properties.AppId -o tsv)
  7. Get microservices details

    # delivery
    DELIVERY_COSMOSDB_NAME=$(az deployment group show -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -n workload-stamp --query properties.outputs.deliveryCosmosDbName.value -o tsv)
    DELIVERY_COSMOSDB_ENDPOINT=$(az cosmosdb show -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -n $DELIVERY_COSMOSDB_NAME --query documentEndpoint -o tsv)
    DELIVERY_REDIS_NAME=$(az deployment group show -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -n workload-stamp --query properties.outputs.deliveryRedisName.value -o tsv)
    DELIVERY_REDIS_ENDPOINT=$(az redis show -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -n $DELIVERY_REDIS_NAME --query hostName -o tsv)
    DELIVERY_KEYVAULT_URI=$(az deployment group show -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -n workload-stamp --query properties.outputs.deliveryKeyVaultUri.value -o tsv)
    # drone scheduler
    DRONESCHEDULER_COSMOSDB_NAME=$(az deployment group show -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -n workload-stamp --query properties.outputs.droneSchedulerCosmosDbName.value -o tsv)
    DRONESCHEDULER_COSMOSDB_ENDPOINT=$(az cosmosdb show -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -n $DRONESCHEDULER_COSMOSDB_NAME --query documentEndpoint -o tsv)
    DRONESCHEDULER_KEYVAULT_URI=$(az deployment group show -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -n workload-stamp --query properties.outputs.droneSchedulerKeyVaultUri.value -o tsv)
    # workflow
    WORKFLOW_NAMESPACE_NAME=$(az deployment group show -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -n workload-stamp --query properties.outputs.ingestionQueueNamespace.value -o tsv)
    WORKFLOW_NAMESPACE_ENDPOINT=$(az servicebus namespace show -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -n $WORKFLOW_NAMESPACE_NAME --query serviceBusEndpoint -o tsv)
    WORKFLOW_NAMESPACE_SAS_NAME=$(az deployment group show -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -n workload-stamp --query properties.outputs.workflowServiceAccessKeyName.value -o tsv)
    WORKFLOW_NAMESPACE_SAS_KEY=$(az servicebus namespace authorization-rule keys list -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery --namespace-name $WORKFLOW_NAMESPACE_NAME -n $WORKFLOW_NAMESPACE_SAS_NAME --query primaryKey -o tsv)
    WORKFLOW_QUEUE_NAME=$(az deployment group show -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -n workload-stamp --query properties.outputs.ingestionQueueName.value -o tsv)
    # package
    PACKAGE_MONGODB_NAME=$(az deployment group show -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -n workload-stamp --query properties.outputs.packageMongoDbName.value -o tsv)
    PACKAGE_MONGODB_CONNNECTIONSTRING=$(az cosmosdb keys list --type connection-strings -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery --name $PACKAGE_MONGODB_NAME --query "connectionStrings[0].connectionString" -o tsv | sed 's/==/%3D%3D/g')
    # ingestion
    INGESTION_NAMESPACE_NAME=$(az deployment group show -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -n workload-stamp --query properties.outputs.ingestionQueueNamespace.value -o tsv)
    INGESTION_NAMESPACE_SAS_NAME=$(az deployment group show -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -n workload-stamp --query properties.outputs.ingestionServiceAccessKeyName.value -o tsv)
    INGESTION_NAMESPACE_SAS_KEY=$(az servicebus namespace authorization-rule keys list -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery --namespace-name $INGESTION_NAMESPACE_NAME -n $INGESTION_NAMESPACE_SAS_NAME --query primaryKey -o tsv)
    INGESTION_QUEUE_NAME=$(az deployment group show -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -n workload-stamp --query properties.outputs.ingestionQueueName.value -o tsv)

Deploy Azure Container App

  1. Register the Azure Resource Manager provider for Microsoft.App

    az provider register --namespace Microsoft.App
  2. Deploy the Container Apps ARM template

    az deployment group create -f main.bicep -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -p \
       acrSever=$ACR_SERVER \
       containerRegistryUser=$ACR_NAME \
       containerRegistryPassword=$ACR_PASS \
       applicationInsightsInstrumentationKey=$AI_KEY \
       deliveryCosmosdbDatabaseName=$DELIVERY_DATABASE_NAME \
       deliveryCosmosdbCollectionName=$DELIVERY_COLLECTION_NAME \
       deliveryCosmosdbEndpoint=$DELIVERY_COSMOSDB_ENDPOINT \
       deliveryRedisEndpoint=$DELIVERY_REDIS_ENDPOINT \
       deliveryKeyVaultUri=$DELIVERY_KEYVAULT_URI \
       droneSchedulerCosmosdbEndpoint=$DRONESCHEDULER_COSMOSDB_ENDPOINT \
       droneSchedulerKeyVaultUri=$DRONESCHEDULER_KEYVAULT_URI \
       wokflowNamespaceEndpoint=$WORKFLOW_NAMESPACE_ENDPOINT \
       workflowNamespaceSASName=$WORKFLOW_NAMESPACE_SAS_NAME \
       workflowNamespaceSASKey=$WORKFLOW_NAMESPACE_SAS_KEY \
       workflowQueueName=$WORKFLOW_QUEUE_NAME \
       packageMongodbConnectionString=$PACKAGE_MONGODB_CONNNECTIONSTRING \
       ingestionNamespaceName=$INGESTION_NAMESPACE_NAME \
       ingestionNamespaceSASName=$INGESTION_NAMESPACE_SAS_NAME \
       ingestionNamespaceSASKey=$INGESTION_NAMESPACE_SAS_KEY \

    πŸ‘€ Please note that Azure Container Apps as well as this ARM API specification currently have limited location support.


Now that you have deployed in a Container Apps Environment, you can validate its functionality. This section will help you to validate the workload is exposed through a Container Apps External Ingress and responding to HTTP requests correctly.


  1. Get the Ingestion FQDN

    πŸ“– The app team conducts a final acceptance test to ensure that traffic is flowing end-to-end as expected. To do so, an HTTP request is submitted against the ingestion external ingress.

    INGESTION_FQDN=$(az deployment group show -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery -n main --query properties.outputs.ingestionFqdn.value -o tsv)
  2. Send a request to

    πŸ’‘ Since the certificate used for TLS is self-signed, the request disables TLS validation using the '-k' option.

    curl -X POST "https://${INGESTION_FQDN}/api/deliveryrequests" --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{
       "confirmationRequired": "None",
       "deadline": "",
       "dropOffLocation": "drop off",
       "expedited": true,
       "ownerId": "myowner",
       "packageInfo": {
         "packageId": "mypackage",
         "size": "Small",
         "tag": "mytag",
         "weight": 10
       "pickupLocation": "mypickup",
       "pickupTime": "'$(date -u +%FT%TZ)'"

    The response to the request printed in your terminal should look similar to the one shown below:

    {"deliveryId":"5453d09a-a826-436f-8e7d-4ff706367b04","ownerId":"myowner","pickupLocation":"mypickup","pickupTime":"2021-02-14T20:00:00.000+0000","deadline":"","expedited":true,"confirmationRequired":"None","packageInfo":{"packageId":"mypackage","size":"Small","weight":10.0,"tag":"mytag"},"dropOffLocation":"drop off"}
  3. Query Application Insights to ensure your request have been ingested by the underlaying services

    ⏱️ It might take five minutes for the query results to be available.

    az monitor app-insights query --app $AI_ID --analytics-query 'requests
    | summarize count_=sum(itemCount) by operation_Name
    | order by count_ desc
    | project strcat(operation_Name," (", count_, ")")' --query tables[0].rows[] -o table

    The following output demonstrates the type of response to expect from the CLI command.

    POST IngestionController/scheduleDeliveryAsync (1)
    PUT Deliveries/Put [id] (1)
    PUT /api/packages/mypackage (1)
    GET /api/packages/mypackage (1)
    PUT DroneDeliveries/Put [id] (1)

    πŸ“– Above result demonstrates that the http request initiated from the client has been ingested by IngestionController/scheduleDeliveryAsync to be later consumed by the Workflow background process to be sent to Deliveries/Put, /api/packages/mypackage and DroneDeliveries/Put endpoints respectively. Them all are microservices running within Azure Container Apps.


Restart a revision

If you need a restart a revision with Provision Status Failed or for another reason you can use az cli:

az containerapp revision restart -g rg-shipping-dronedelivery --app <containerapp-name> -n <containerapp-revision-name>

Clean up

  1. Delete the Azure Container Registry resource group

    az group delete -n rg-shipping-dronedelivery-acr -y
  2. Delete the Azure Container Apps resource group

    az group delete -n rg-shipping-dronedelivery -y
  3. Delete the stored deployment data at subscription level

    az deployment sub delete -n workload-stamp-prereqs

Next Steps

The team has been able to migrate and run Fabrikam Drone Delivery on top of Azure Container Apps. They are now laying out a new migration and modernization plan that will include:

  1. Start using DAPR
  2. Bring your own VNET


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