Generates a random password with various criteria: min&max length, required number of lowercase&uppercase letters, required number of digits and required number of special characters. Now updated for UiPath Windows.
Facilitates password maintenance processes. Some Robots have to generate their own new passwords at expiration time.
Package specifications
Generates a random password with various criteria: min&max length, required number of lowercase&uppercase letters, required number of digits and required number of special characters. For random number generation it utilizes System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider. All length requirements have to be below 1000 chars.
- int Minimum password length
- int Maximum password length
- int Required digits
- int Required uppercase letters
- int Required lowercase letters
- int Required special characters
- string Allowed special characters - If not provided, will default to:" !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~")]
- string Password { get; set; }