👋 Hi, I’m Rafal. I’m a software developer with a passion for optimizing and writing software. I specialize in scientific Computational Linguistics applications written in Java that you can run in your terminal, as well as beautiful web applications styled and animated with the help of CSS and JavaScript.
🌱 I’m currently learning how to use the React.js library and have also decided to educate myself more on cybersecurity - I have just started my CompTIA Security+ certification course.
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on anything really, but I have recently been thinking of incorporating one of the AI APIs into my CL programs. Is anyone interested? 😊
📫 How to reach me? Check out the links on my profile page.
⚡ Fun fact: Did you know that Steve Jobs dropped out of college because he saw no benefit in the conventional education system? Elon Musk believes that college is “basically for fun and to prove that you can do your chores, but they’re not for learning.” As someone who dropped out of university in the last semester due to my shyness, I know firsthand that it can be tough to feel like you’re on the right path. But never feel down about dropping out of, or even not being able to go to the university - because with the strength of resilience, determination, and unfettered passion, you can reach your dreams too. Some people take unexpected paths, forging their own destiny despite all difficulties. Some of the most successful people in the world suffered hardships and financial hardship, they confronted personal challenges, but they all had one thing in common: an unshakeable commitment to their aspirations.