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Nihaopay Ruby

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Nihaopay Ruby is a Ruby wrapper for using the Nihaopay payment gateway API.

This library is provided by KK VESPER and is not affiliated with or supported by Aurfy Inc, makers of Nihaopay.


Add the following to your Gemfile:

gem 'nihaopay-ruby'

and run bundle install


Add a file config/initializers/nihaopay.rb.

Nihaopay.configure do |nihaopay|
  nihaopay.test_mode = true
  nihaopay.token = <your-merchant-token>
  nihaopay.currency = 'USD'

The default value for test_mode is false. Default currency is 'USD'.

Initiate a SecurePay transaction


options = { reference: '3461fcc31aec471780ad1a4dc6111947',
            ipn_url: '',
            callback_url: '' }
response = Nihaopay::SecurePay::UnionPay.start(amount, currency, options)
render inline: "<%= response.body %>"

amount should be an integer of the minor unit in the currency, e.g. $10.50 in USD would be 1050.

currency can be 'USD' and 'JPY'.


  • reference is an alphanumeric string up to 30 characters that must be unique to each of your transactions.
  • ipn_url is Instant Payment Notification URL called by the API to update you on the transaction information.
  • callback_url is the URL the browser will be redirected to upon completing the transaction.
  • description (optional)
  • note (optional)
  • terminal (optional) specifies whether payment is submitted on desktop (ONLINE) or mobile (WAP). Currently, acceptable values are ONLINE and WAP. Please note WAP for WeChat Pay is only available in live environment.
  • timeout (optional) specifies amount of minutes card holders have before payment page times out. Once the page times out without a successful payment, the transaction is automatically cancelled. Acceptable values are 1 - 1440.

Due to the nature of redirects and users being able to close their browsers before the redirect can happen, an instant payment notification (IPN) URL is used to provide transaction data.

Whenever possible, transaction data should be recorded from the IPN URL instead of the callback URL.

Sample Credit Card details for UnionPay are:

  • Number: 6221 5588 1234 0000
  • Expiry year: 17
  • Expiry month: 11
  • Last 3 digits: 123
  • Phone: 1-355-253-5506
  • Sms verification: 111111

Override global token

merchant =
response = merchant.union_pay(amount, currency, options)


You can use the same options from UnionPay for AliPay transactions.

response = Nihaopay::SecurePay::AliPay.start(amount, currency, options)

Sample account details for AliPay are:

  • Number: 13122443313
  • Login password: 111111
  • Payment password: 111111

Override global token

merchant =
response = merchant.ali_pay(amount, currency, options)


You can use the same options from UnionPay for WeChatPay transactions.

response = Nihaopay::SecurePay::WeChatPay.start(amount, currency, options)

For WeChatPay, you will see a QR code on the vendor payment page. Scan the code from WeChat mobile app and complete the payment. It will automatically redirect to Callback URL upon payment completion.

Override global token

merchant =
response = merchant.wechat_pay(amount, currency, options)


Authorize transaction on ExpressPay

You need the credit card details for initiating the transaction. You can build the credit card object as below:

credit_card =
                number: '6221558812340000',
                expiry_year: 2017,
                expiry_month: 11,
                cvv: '123')

Acceptable values for expiry_month are 01 through 12.

Now initiate the transaction using above credit card.

express_pay = Nihaopay::Transactions::Authorize.start(amount, credit_card)

This returns an instance of Nihaopay::Transactions::ExpressPay on which you can access following methods:

express_pay.transaction_id   # => "20160714132438002485"
express_pay.status           # => "success"
express_pay.reference        # => "3461fcc31aec471780ad1a4dc6111947"
express_pay.currency         # => "JPY"
express_pay.amount           # => 1000
express_pay.captured         # => false
express_pay.time             # => 2017-01-18 12:08:42 +0900

Other methods available are note and time.

Purchase transaction on ExpressPay

express_pay = Nihaopay::Transactions::Purchase.start(amount, credit_card)

This again returns an instance of Nihaopay::Transactions::ExpressPay.

Options for ExpressPay transactions

For authorize and purchase, you can pass currency, description, note, and reference as options.

express_pay = Nihaopay::Transactions::Authorize.start(amount, credit_card, { currency: 'USD',
                                                                             description: 'Your order description',
                                                                             note: 'Something to remember',
                                                                             reference: 'A unique alphanumeric string',
                                                                             sub_mid: 'unique ID for nihaopay merchant' })

Acceptable currency codes are 'USD' and 'JPY'.

The option sub_mid will be passed as a JSON string {reserved: "{\"sub_mid\":\"XXX\"}" } in the params. All the different types of ExpressPay transactions accept this option.

Capture a transaction

captured = express_pay.capture
captured.transaction_id           # => "20160718111604002633"
captured.status                   # => "success"
captured.captured                 # => true
captured.capture_transaction_id   # => "20160718111529002632" (id of the transaction that was captured)
captured.time                     # => 2017-01-18 12:08:42 +0900

If you want to capture a partial amount, you can do:

captured = express_pay.partial_capture(amount)

Authorizations not captured within 30 days are automatically released and cannot be captured.

Release a transaction

Release an uncaptured transaction.

released = express_pay.release
released.transaction_id           # => "20160718111604002633"
released.status                   # => "success"
released.released                 # => true
released.release_transaction_id   # => "20160718111529002632" (id of the transaction that was released)
released.time                     # => 2017-01-18 12:08:42 +0900

Cancel a transaction

cancelled = express_pay.cancel
cancelled.transaction_id            # => "20160718111604002633"
cancelled.status                    # => "success"
cancelled.cancelled                 # => true
cancelled.cancel_transaction_id     # => "20160718111529002632" (id of the transaction that was cancelled)
cancelled.time                      # => 2017-01-18 12:08:42 +0900

Transactions can only be cancelled before the daily settlement deadline. Transactions cannot be cancelled if a partial or full refund on the transaction has already been issued.

Working with transactions

List transactions

Only SecurePay, ExpressPay, and Captured transactions can be returned. For details on Released, Cancelled, and Refunded transactions, please navigate to the TMS. Transactions are returned with the most recent transactions appearing first.

transactions = Nihaopay::Transactions::Base.fetch

By default, only 10 transactions are returned at a time. This can be adjusted by calling limit before fetch. limit can range between 1 and 100.

transactions = Nihaopay::Transactions::Base.limit(5).fetch

To retrieve transactions that were processed after the specified time, you can all after with Time object.

yesterday = - 24 * 60 * 60
transactions = Nihaopay::Transactions::Base.after(yesterday).fetch

Similarly, you can fetch the transactions that were processed before the specified time.

yesterday = - 24 * 60 * 60
transactions = Nihaopay::Transactions::Base.before(yesterday).fetch

You can chain methods to use multiple options:

yesterday = - 24 * 60 * 60
week_ago = - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
transactions = Nihaopay::Transactions::Base.before(yesterday)


you can pass the options to fetch:

yesterday = - 24 * 60 * 60
week_ago = - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
transactions = Nihaopay::Transactions::Base.fetch(before: yesterday,
                                                  after: week_ago,
                                                  limit: 5)

Look up a transaction

Provide a unique transaction ID that was returned from a previous response in order to retrieve corresponding transaction’s details.

transaction = Nihaopay::Transactions::Base.find(transaction_id)
transaction.transaction_id  # => "20160718111604002633"
transaction.type            # => "charge"
transaction.status          # => "success"

Possible values of transaction.type are "charge", "authorization", or "capture". You can also access amount, currency, time, reference, and note on above transaction object.

Only SecurePay (UnionPay and AliPay), ExpressPay, and Captured transaction details can be found. For details on Released, Cancelled, and Refunded transactions, please navigate to the TMS

Refund a transaction

Full refunds can only be created once per transaction.

refunded = express_pay.refund
refunded.transaction_id            # => "20160718111604002633"
refunded.status                    # => "success"
refunded.refunded                  # => true
refunded.refund_transaction_id     # => "20160718111529002632" (id of the transaction that was refunded)
refunded.time                      # => 2017-01-18 12:08:42 +0900

You can pass a reason when refunding a transaction:

refunded = express_pay.refund(reason: 'Out of stock')

Partial refunds can be created multiple times up to the amount of the Transaction.

refunded = express_pay.partial_refund(amount)
refunded = express_pay.partial_refund(amount, reason: 'Cancellation fee')

Override global token

If you have multiple merchants configured to the Nihaopay payment gateway, they will have different tokens each. You can do transactions per merchant as below:

merchant_token = "6c4dc4828474fa73c5f438a9eb2fbf3092e44"
nihaopay_merchant =
express_pay = nihaopay_merchant.authorize(amount, credit_card)


express_pay = nihaopay_merchant.authorize(amount, credit_card, options)

options may include currency, description, reference, note, and sub_mid.

Similarly, you can do other transactions directly on Nihaopay::Merchant object:

# capture
express_pay = nihaopay_merchant.capture(transaction_id, amount, currency)

# purchase
express_pay = nihaopay_merchant.purchase(amount, credit_card)
express_pay = nihaopay_merchant.purchase(amount, credit_card, options)

# release
express_pay = nihaopay_merchant.release(transaction_id)

# refund
express_pay = nihaopay_merchant.refund(transaction_id, amount, currency)
express_pay = nihaopay_merchant.refund(transaction_id, amount, currency, reason: 'Cancellation fee')


This library is provided by KK VESPER under the MIT License. Refer to LICENSE for details.

NihaoPay is trademark of Aurfy Inc. Aurfy Inc does not provide, support, or endorse this library.


API library for Nihaopay payment gateway







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