20230603 2058 General Release
24 commits
to master
since this release
- See the release notes in the Manual.
Normal builds. These must be flashed with the STLink-V1 / SWIM interface.
- NetworkModule-Browser.sx
- NetworkModule-MQTT.sx
Upgradeable builds. To use Upgradeable builds you must add an I2C EEPROM. See the Manual for instructions. Once installed future releases can be installed over Ethernet. ALWAYS install the new CodeUploader, then the Strings file, then the UPG code load, in that order.
- NetworkModule-CodeUploader.sx
- NetworkModule-Strings.sx
- NetworkModule-Browser-UPG.sx
- NetworkModule-MQTT-UPG.sx
- NetworkModule-MQTT-UPG-BME280.sx
Code changes:
- Addressed Issue #175 "Save on IOControl page has stopped working on Chrome?"
- Addressed Issue #176 "Saving PCF8574 Configuration can cause the PCF8574 to disappear"
Document changes:
- None