20230305 1816 Pre-release
33 commits
to master
since this release
This is a pre-release so that users can inform me of any bugs before this is turned into a general release.
See the release notes in the Manual.
Normal builds. These must be flashed with the STLink-V1 / SWIM interface.
Upgradeable builds. To use Upgradeable builds you must add an I2C EEPROM. See the Manual for instructions. Once installed future releases can be installed over Ethernet. ALWAYS install the new CodeUploader, then the Strings file, then the UPG code load, in that order.
Code changes:
- Addressed Issue #115 "How to enhance the needed pins for sensors? Can the PCF8574 module be useful?" that added PCF8574 functionality.
- Addressed Issue #120 "Pin order as build options".
- Addressed Issue #141 "Selectable pinout branch", a bug that was not properly initializing the selectable pinout index.
- Addressed Issue #142 "Added REST command /50 (at /80)". This generated several changes associated with the “Mask and Output Pin settings” functionality as follows:
- Deprecated command /80.
- Added command /50. Does what /80 used to do.
- Added command /51. Does the same as /50, but also returns the Short Form pin state page.
- The /50 and /51 commands only operate on pins 1 to 16.
- The Short Form pin state page shows 16 pins if no PCF8574, and 24 pins if there IS a PCF8574
- Addressed Issue #143 "Linked pins check in check_runtime_changes() should be in check_eeprom_settings()", a performance bug causing code to run more than needed.
- Addressed Issue #144 "periodic_service() function is running too often", a bug causing browser pages to be corrupted on rare occasion.
- Addressed Issue #145 "Timer error has gradually increased - need improved time keeping function"
- Addressed Issue #146 "Incorrect content-length for most pages returning content"
- Changed the Link Error Statistics page to a text only page (no formatting, no buttons) to save Flash space.
Document changes:
- Updated the Link Error Statistics description.
- Updated the Mask and Pin settings description for URL commands /50 and /51 in the “Notes on REST Commands” section.
- Updated the Timers description in the “Notes on Individual IO Settings – Browser Only build” section.
- Added section “Developers: Timer Internal Operation”
- Added screen shots for PCF8574 Configuration and IOControl pages
- Added section “PCF8574 Function”
- Added section “Notes on PCF8574 Inputs”
- Added section “Selecting Alternative Pinouts”