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Releases: nicolewhite/RNeo4j
Releases · nicolewhite/RNeo4j
Allow parameters to be passed as lists.
This change applies to:
- cypher
- cypherToList
- createNode
- getOrCreateNode
- updateProp
- deleteProp
- appendCypher
In general, any function that has the dots argument (...) for accepting an arbitrary amount of key=value pairs for node / relationship properties or parameters can now accept a single list. Previously, you had to do it likes this:
n = createNode(graph, "Person", name="Nicole", age=24)
Now you can do it like this:
props = list(name="Nicole", age=24)
n = createNode(graph, "Person", props)
This is nice if you have a list of things that you want to set as properties or use as parameters.
The following were not updated as they've been deprecated in favor of cypherToList
- getNodes
- getSingleNode
- getRels
- getSingleRel
- getPaths
- getSinglePath
- allows users to return anything from Cypher queries as a list
- deprecates getNodes, getSingleNode, getRels, getSingleRel, getPaths, getSinglePath
shortestPath, allShortestPaths:
- add cost_property as argument
- deprecates dijkstra, allDijkstra