go-lyrebird is a Go client library for accessing the lyrebird API.
To create a new Lyrebird client and use it's services. Create a new *http.Client
with the required authentication token. Go-lyrebird does not directly handle authentication, instead it is suggested to use the oauth2 library.
ctx := context.Background()
client := oauth2.NewClient(ctx, oauth2.StaticTokenSource(&oauth2.Token{
AccessToken: lyrebirdCode,
TokenType: "Bearer",
lyreBirdClient := lyrebird.NewClient(client)
p, r, err := lyreBirdClient.AvatarService.Profile(ctx)
if err != nil {
If you do not have an api key, you will need to set
which can be found in the lyrebird application settings page anda re required in order obtain an api key. -
If you already have a key avaiable, you can store it in the
which bypass the OAuth2 workflow.