A long running program that will monitor a specified directory for changes to any files of a type specified by the end user. Determines if any instances of a user-specified string (aka "magic text") appear in the files being watched, and logs their location.
Inspired by the story of The Cuckoo's Egg.
- You have Python 3.9.0 or greater installed locally.
python dirwatcher.py [dir] .[ext] [magic_text]
python dirwatcher.py ./test .txt hello
2021-03-22 11:48:59,495 __main__ INFO
[MainThread ]
Beginning dirwatcher.py
searching for hello in /Users/nicodalfonso/dirwatcher/test
2021-03-22 11:48:59,495 __main__ INFO
[MainThread ] Adding test.txt to watchlist
2021-03-22 11:48:59,496 __main__ INFO
[MainThread ] hello found on line 1 of test.txt
2021-03-22 11:48:59,496 __main__ INFO
[MainThread ] hello found on line 2 of test.txt
2021-03-22 11:48:59,496 __main__ INFO
[MainThread ] hello found on line 3 of test.txt
2021-03-22 11:48:59,496 __main__ INFO
[MainThread ] hello found on line 5 of test.txt
^C2021-03-22 11:50:02,501 __main__ WARNING
[MainThread ] Received SIGINT
2021-03-22 11:50:02,502 __main__ INFO
[MainThread ] Exiting
2021-03-22 11:50:02,730 __main__ INFO
[MainThread ]
Stopped dirwatcher.py
Uptime was 00:01:3.2699471159999973
python dirwatcher.py -h
python dirwatcher.py --help
👤 Nico D Alfonso
- Website: https://nicodalfonso.com
- Twitter: @nicodalfonso
- Github: @nicodalfonso
- LinkedIn: @nicodalfonso
This project was initially created as a part of the Software Engineering Certification program from Kenzie Academy
To see the original instructions and acceptance criteria for this project, please reference README.old.md
Copyright © 2021 Nico D Alfonso.
This project is MIT licensed.
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