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A study case of the Bus Rapid Transit system modeled with cellular automata.

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BRT Automaton

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A study case of the Bus Rapid Transit system modeled with cellular automata.

About the project

This package contains a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system simulator made using a cellular automata model. BRTs are a transport alternative to the regular buses. Instead of letting the buses being driven like cars, they are allocated in an exclusive lane, usually at the margin of a highway, which makes them faster and free of traffic congestion. This project focuses on simulating it to help ML scientists developing solutions to improve the quality of the system.


  • Simulator
  • GUI
  • Reinforcement learning optimizer


The main simulation consists of four objects, the substations, the buses, the loop wall, and the stations, and their relations.


A bus is the only unit that moves during the simulation. It has three basic rules: accelerating, deaccelerating, and moving. These rules are described as the following sequential steps:

  1. Accelerating: if bus_speed < max_speed, then bus_speed += 1

  2. Deaccelerating: if bus sees another bus or a substation in range of bus_speed, then bus_speed = object_position - bus_position

    2.1. Collision: if the bus saw something, execute the proper relation procedure

  3. Moving: bus_position += bus_speed


A substation is an object that makes a bus stop and lets the passengers embark and disembark. Also, when a bus enters a substation, it is removed from the main lane, and it is transported through the substations at its respective station.

The substation follows the respective algorithm:

  1. Embark: if there is a bus into the substation, then decrease the number of passengers into the parent station, and increase the number of passengers into the bus

  2. Disembark: if there is a bus into the substation, then decrease the number of passengers into the bus

  3. Shift: if the substation is the last, then verify if there's no bus at the end of it and then send the bus to the main lane or if the substation is not the last, then check if the next substation is free, and send the bus to it

Substation and a bus

if bus saw a substation
    if bus should stop at it
        if substation is occupied
            set bus to wait
        else if next substation is occupied
            let the bus come in

This algorithm makes the bus to drive until it reaches the last not occupied substation, thus making a queue


A station is a container for the substations. However, some data that is shared between substations, like the number of passengers has to be inside the station. Also, each station is randomly initialized with an embark and disembark quantity of passengers, and when a bus stops on a substation, it uses these values to change the number of passengers (simulating disembarking and embarking).

A station follows the algorithm below:

staton_passengers += passenger_generation_per_iteration

Loop Wall

The last, but not less important is the loop wall. A loop wall is the last element in the simulator mesh, and it is responsible for making a bus return to the first station, thus making it circular.

Loop wall and a bus

Since it is only triggered when colliding with a bus, the only rule for it is described as:

enqueue the bus inside of the loop wall
set the bus to waiting state
if possible, dequeue it to the first substation
clear the last position of the bus in the mesh

How to use it?

To use this package, you have to first have to download its dependencies. Don't worry, Julia does this automatically. Just follow these steps and everything will be fine :)


  1. Open Julia on the project folder
  2. When in the the repl, enter the Pkg by typing ]
  3. Type the command activate . to set this project as the Pkg working project
  4. Type the command instantiate to download the libs
  5. Once it finished downloading, get back to the main Julia repl by typing backspace
  6. Import the project with using BRTAutomaton

Running your first simulation

Once you finished installing the project, you can use the following functions:

Creating a bus

To start the automaton, you have to first inform how many buses you want and what stations it will stop

Remember, stopping at the first station is mandatory

bus_array = [Itinerary(true, false, true),
            Itinerary(true, true, true),
            Itinerary(true, false, false)]
# creates three buses.
## The first bus will stop at the first and the third stations
## The second bus will stop at all three stations
## The third bus will only stop at the first station

Note: The order of the array is the same order the buses are going to leave the first station

Creating an automaton

After creating your buses its time to create the automaton.

automaton= Automaton(station_quantity=2,

These two are the only required parameters, but you can configure the automaton the way you want with the following keyword arguments:

  • number_of_substations: DEFAULT=3
  • station_spacing: DEFAULT=80
  • substation_spacing: DEFAULT=3
  • safe_margin: DEFAULT=2
  • boarded_iterations: DEFAULT=2
  • bus_capacity: DEFAULT=120
  • station_capacity: DEFAULT=600
  • max_embark: DEFAULT=bus_capacity / 2
  • max_disembark: DEFAULT=bus_capacity
  • max_generation: DEFAULT=2
  • max_speed: DEFAULT=4
Running it

Simply run: run!(automaton, <number of iterations>)

As you will notice, nothing seems to change. That is because this is the simulation backend. Let's move on to the GUI.

Note: You can always reset your automaton to the initial state by calling: reset!(automaton)


Nothing better than a gui to see results.

To use a GUI with your automaton, simply call: gui(automaton). Once the interface opens, you can set the number of iterations you want to run, and the sleep between each of them.

graphics user interface

Note: You can zoom in and out the map to have a larger view of the simulation

Optimizing the number of passengers with reinforcement learning

Since some stations have less or more embarking and disembarking rates than others (check the station section if you skipped it), and each bus has to know where to stop, configuring different itineraries can lead to different embarking and disembarking averages when simulating a scenario. Because of that, we can use reinforcement learning to learn the best set of stations for each bus to maximize the passengers flow.

How do I start?

Simpler example

Let's first create a simpler automaton example, so that you can see it is really working:

buses = [Intinerary(true, falses(4)...) for i in 1:20]
# creating 20 buses that only stop at the first station, and not at the other five
a = Automaton(station_quantity=5,

Note: Because it only stops at the first station, the buses won't transport as much passengers as it could, thus making stats lower

Training Set

After that, you have to create a training set that will contain the required data for the genetic algorithm used here.

set = TrainingSet(automaton,

This training set constructor have the following keyword arguments:

  • population_size: DEFAULT=200
  • evaluation_function: DEFAULT=evaluate!
  • elitism: DEFAULT=10
  • crossover_point: DEFAULT=round(station_quantity/2)
  • mutation_rate: DEFAULT=0.2

Changing any of these parameters will affect the convergence time of the training in a positive or negative way. For example, increasing the mutation rate can help avoiding local minimums, but at the same time it will disturb the propagation of small solutions. Read more about genetic algorithm and its parameters here

The evaluation function

The evaluation_function parameter holds the evaluate! function by default. It is described as follows:

function evaluate!(env::Automaton)
    run!(env, 1000)
    (10*avg_speed(env) + 4*avg_disembarking(env))

This function is set to maximize the number of passengers disembarking and the average speed. Furthermore, if you want to write your own evaluation function, you just have to pass it to the evaluation_function parameter when creating you training set. Check out an example above:

function my_eval!(env::Automaton)
    run!(env, 500)
    #it will make the GA try maximizing the average speed
set = TrainingSet(automaton, 

Note: Each of these parameters can be changed after the training set is created by calling its respective functions. e.g: elitism!(set, 15)


After everything is set up, you can finally train your automata by calling:

train!(automaton, set, <gen_limit>, <max_fitness>)

At least one of the two gen_limit (maximum number of generations, a Int) or max_fitness (maximum fitness value, a Real) parameters should be specified as a stopping criteria for the training.


You can check the results of the genetic algorithm by multiple ways, but we will first see some numbers:

automaton = Automaton(station_quantity=5,
run!(automaton, 1000)


#these numbers may vary because embarking and disembarking are randomly defined for each station

Before running the training, it is good to see how it was before to compare.

#resetting is not required before training, but it is a good practice
set = TrainingSet(automaton,
# creating the training set
train!(automaton, set, gen_limit=20)
#training with 20 generations
[ Info: Best fitness: 171.42255
[ Info: Best fitness: 171.42255
[ Info: Best fitness: 173.38614
[ Info: Best fitness: 173.38614

The training takes some time to complete, but you can speed it up using parallel computing. Just set the environment variable JULIA_NUM_THREADS=<number of threads> before running Julia and magic will happen.

run!(automaton, 1000)


As you can see, the averaged number of people disembarking almost doubled, thanks to the genetic algorithm.

Lets see the difference before and after with the GUI

before training


after training


Utilitary functions

What if you liked your automaton? How can I save it?

This is a job for utilitary functions!

There are three functions in this module:

  • save(::Automaton): Saves the automaton in a file inside of the current pwd(). Example: save(automaton)

  • load(::Type{Automaton}): Loads the automaton of the previously saved file if there is one inside of the current pwd(). Example: a = load(Automaton)

  • run_multiple!(iterations, ::Automaton...): Since a rel BRT has at least two lanes, it does make sense to run more than one automaton. This function does not do anything special, it only executes multiple automatons in parallel. Example: run_multiple!(500, automaton1, automaton2)

Note: Saving and loading can be done with TrainingSet too. Example: set = load(TrainingSet)


[1] Kai Nagel, Michael Schreckenberg. A cellular automaton model for freeway traffic. Journal de Physique I, EDP Sciences, 1992, 2 (12), pp.2221-2229. <10.1051/jp1:1992277>. <jpa-002466

[2] M. A. Uribe-Laverde, & W. F. Oquendo-Patiño. (2019). Improving the bus flow in a Bus Rapid Transit system: an approach based on cellular automata simulations.



A study case of the Bus Rapid Transit system modeled with cellular automata.






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