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Logging modules to simply logging scenarios. Send a log message to SumoLogic, email, slack, or a local log file formatted a logfmt or JSON.
iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('https://github.com/nickatwork/logasaur/install.ps1')
git clone https://github.com/nickatwork/logasaurus.git
- get-log
- send-datadog
- Sends logfmt or JSON formatted message to DataDog
- send-sumo
- Sends logfmt or JSON formatted message to SumoLogic
- send-email
- Legacy SMTP messaging
- send-mailkit
- Modern SMTP messaging
- send-teams
- Send a message to MS Teams
- send-slack
- Send a message to a Slack channel
- start-PSRCapture
- Log GUI events on Windows Applications
- stop-PSRCapture
- Log GUI events on Windows Applications