Version 2
- Coffeescript to Javascript
- Use d3 v4
- Change the way palettes works:
- before: usePalette: <true|false>, paletteSize: 9, paletteName: 'Greens' and color attributes.
- Now only color attribute that recognize palettes. PaletteSize is not anymore useful (color palettes are continuous)
- order of attributes:
- before: track('name', conf, data)
- now: track('name', data, conf)
- Input data can't be anymore an array of arrays. It has to be an array of objects with shapes defined in documentation
- There is no more 'rule'. The rules are handle with callback functions. For example in the configuration you can specify:
color: function(d) {
return d.value > 5 ? 'blue' : 'red'