Opa tudo bem? Hey, whats up! / Estou pesquisando sempre e tentando aprender o melhor! / Hey, I'm trying my best every day and learn a lot of things everyday!
Luís Gustavo
I'm Luís Gustavo, Graduated in Computing from Instituto Federal do Tocantins and Python developer.
Colinas do Tocantins,TO,Brazil
Giovani Leite vitor
Software Eng / Android Dev / Kotlin / Flutter
Brazil, São Paulo
Diego Lima de Oliveira
Bacharel em Ciência da Computação - FCT UNESP -- Desenvolvedor Android
Eros M.Lima
🏂⚡️Tech Innovator || Frontend || Fullstack || Dev. JavaScript (ES6+) || React | RxJS || TS || #Node || #Python || #SQL🤖AI/ML/DP || GPT3 || NGL
Software Engineer | Freelancer | Deltah Cognitive | HyperCube | SuperSymmetry High Tech Solutions Inc. São Paulo/London
Gilson Junior
👋 Hi, I'm Gilson Junior! With over 11 years of experience in Android Development, I craft cutting-edge apps that are as delightful as they are robust.
Andrei Pataquine
Dev Android nativo (Kotlin), pós graduado em dev mobile, co-organizador da comunidade de desenvolvedores da Google em Curitiba-PR. Estudante de Flutter.
Rafael Canuto
Mobile Engineer
with a huge passion to make great things and impact others people's lives.
Caicó, Rio Grande do Norte
Guilherme Berson
Mobile Android and iOS developer at Zup Inovation. 📱
Teacher on Let`s Code by ada
Zup I.T Palmas - TO
Julio Lozovei
Human, front-end developer, amateur musician, writer and speaker; problem solver. 🤖
Curitiba, Brazil