This is a work-in-progress Flat UI "inspiried" theme for Bootstrap, but in 100% less (as it should be).
Clone Flatstrap, change into the directory and clone Bootstrap.
git clone
cd flatstrap
git clone git://
When compiling the less files yourself, simply compile /flatstrap.less and it should import all it needs.
To help quickly get stuff styled, I copied some files from Bootstrap's doc directory and placed them in /flatstrap/examples. Remember, everything's still a work in progress.
I'd really appreciate all the help I can get.
To override or customise a part of Bootstrap, find the corresponding less file in /bootstrap/less/ and copy it to /flatstrap/less/. Then you must import it in /flatstrap.less in the same order that Bootstrap imports it (see /bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less)
Once done, simply edit the file you just copied, and only keep the bits that you are customising, remove the rest.
Enjoy! :)