This repository contains the content and code for the guidance website for the NHS prototype kit.
For the code for the NHS prototype kit itself, see nhsuk-prototype-kit on GitHub.
Start the code by running npm run watch
If you want to contribute to the NHS prototype kit guidance, then read our contributing guidelines.
We normally use the NHS digital service manual content guide for terms. But there are some terms that are only used in the guidance for the kit.
Lower case. Only use for Windows instructions. Normally it will be "the command line".
Git has an upper case G when talking about a version control system (for example "use GitHub"), and lower case G when part of code, for example git status
GitHub is camel case with an upper case H - for example, 'use GitHub Desktop'.
Sentence case.
Use sentence case, for example "How to download the prototype kit". Tab titles (the title of the page as shown in the browser tab) may be different from the page H1, for example a tab title may say "How to download the prototype kit" and the H1 say "Download the prototype kit".
Camel case with an upper case S.
We are changing how we talk about tools for delivery teams. These used to be called "NHS.UK" products but we are now removing the ".UK". This means that we talk about the:
- NHS frontend (though this is still sometimes called 'NHS.UK frontend')
- NHS digital service manual
- NHS design system
- NHS prototype kit
For talking to the public about the website (find out more on the NHS health writing A-Z)
Use "NHS England Windows laptops" instructions for people using corporate laptops.
"NHS" is in caps and "prototype kit" in lower case (except where it is shown next to the NHS logo when it is capitalised as "NHS Prototype kit"). Write out in full the first time it is used on a page, then call "the kit". Try to avoid "prototype kit".
Use double straight quotes only (not smart or curly quotes). More detail is in the Formatting and punctuation part of the NHS digital service manual content guide.
Lower case. Usually it will be "the terminal".
Title case. When you use it for the first time in a guide, start with "Visual Studio Code (also known as VS Code)".
The NHS prototype kit guidance website is maintained by NHS England. Email us, open a Github issue or get in touch on the NHS digital service manual Slack workspace.