NHS BNSSG Analytics
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covid19-reqd-beds-projection Publicsimple script to generate a projection of beds required to support given trajectory of covid19 cases requiring hospitalisation
waiting-list-projections Publictrust and specialty projections of waiting lists, for all trusts in england, updated each month
ipacs-model PublicCode and material for IPACS model - Improving Patient flow between Acute, Community and Social care
simulation-dts-renege PublicScript and input template for discrete-time simulation (DTS) solution of a multi-node, multi-server queuing system with reneging.
R 6
- discharge_planning_suite Public
nhs-bnssg-analytics/discharge_planning_suite’s past year of commit activity - sw_waiting_times Public
nhs-bnssg-analytics/sw_waiting_times’s past year of commit activity - waitlist-multi-compartment-model Public
Code and material for the multi-compartment model for the waiting list problem
nhs-bnssg-analytics/waitlist-multi-compartment-model’s past year of commit activity - fpt_analysis Public
Scoping the possibility of predicting performance from demand and capacity metrics
nhs-bnssg-analytics/fpt_analysis’s past year of commit activity - cs5-clustering Public
full results for the core segment 5 clustering, over all umap and hdbscan parameters
nhs-bnssg-analytics/cs5-clustering’s past year of commit activity