This build is a React/TypeScript app that uses Kraken Websockets API 1.9.0 to subscribe realtime data in a web socket, store it and visualise in forms of realtime line graphs.
You can check how the build version of this in Netlify. Simply click on this link.
This whole project is the result within 3 days straight of designing, developing, solving, implementing and deploying. Although this is not my best work and it is nowhere near polished enough, given the limited time I can be quite satified with how I tried to put so many techs onto this build and somehow still managed to finish it.
Technologies used including:
- ReactJS - with TypeScript template
- React Redux
- Node SASS
- Recharts (to visualise graphs)
- WebSocket and localStorage
Clone the repository
$ git clone
Get to the cloned folder in your local directories and install the required dependencies
$ cd kraken-ts-prototype
$ npm install
Run the build - afterwards the browser will open a window to your localhost running the dev version of the build
$ npm start