php_opc_apcu_ is based on php_apc_ (
The goal was to be as consistent as possible with the apc_apc_ graphs. Although there are a number of PHP OpCache Munin plugins, they:
- only monitored a small number of PHP OpCache statistics
- did not support APCU which now runs parallel to PHP Opcache
- did not support multiple servers which may run under different FastCGI instances
The php_apc_
plugin has been tested on Munin v2.0.63
The Munin homepage can be found at:
The complete project archive contains the following files:
php_opc_apcu _ - the php_opc_apcu_ Munin plugin.
opc_apcu_info.php - the PHP script that is called by the plugin.
CHANGELOG.txt - a list of changes made to the project.
README.txt - this file.
- verify all graphs and remove any that are no longer relevant
- add additional PHP OpCache graphs, such as restarts and key usage
- add a "suggest" section showing the list of graphs that can be generated
- include instructions for overrding thresholds set by the plugin
is licensed under the MIT License.