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xy3 is born out of my need to create S3 backups while using XYplorer.


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Go Reference

xy3 is born out of my need to create S3 backups while using XYplorer. Here are the XYplorer's file associations that I use:

|"Download from S3" s3>"xy3.exe" "download"
|"Delete from S3" s3>"xy3.exe" "remove"
|"Compress and upload to S3" \>"xy3.exe" "upload" -b "bucket-name" -k "<curfolder>/"
|"Upload to S3" *>"xy3.exe" "upload" -b "bucket-name" -k "<curfolder>/"
|"Extract files" 7z;rar;zip>"xy3.exe" extract


xy3 exists as a CLI that I use with XYplorer on a daily basis.

# Uploading a file will generate a local .s3 (JSON) file that stores metadata about how to retrieve the file.
# For example, this command will create doc.txt.s3 and
xy3 up -b "bucket-name" -k "key-prefix/" --expected-bucket-owner "1234" doc.txt

# Downloading from the JSON .s3 files will create unique names to prevent duplicates.
# For example, since doc.txt and still exist, this command will create doc-1.txt and
xy3 down doc.txt.s3

# To remove both local and remote files, use this command.
xy3 remove doc.txt.s3

Go Module

xy3 can also be used as a Go module. I have a few programs that actually depend on xy3 for the ability to upload to and download from S3 with progress bar. Here's an example:

package main

import (


func main() {
	ctx, stop := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), os.Interrupt, os.Kill)
	defer stop()

	cfg, _ := config.LoadDefaultConfig(ctx)
	client := s3.NewFromConfig(cfg)

	// Upload only accepts name to files on the local filesystem.
	file := "path/to/file"
	stat, _ := os.Stat(file)
	_, _ = xy3.Upload(ctx, client, file, &s3.CreateMultipartUploadInput{
		Bucket: aws.String("my-bucket"),
		Key:    aws.String("my-file"),
	}, func(options *xy3.UploadOptions) {
		// I can change the concurrency (default to 3 goroutines) or put a throttle on the upload.
		options.Concurrency = runtime.NumCPU()
		options.MaxBytesInSecond = 5242880 // 5MiB

		// this example uses a progress bar to show upload progress.
		bar := progressbar.DefaultBytes(stat.Size(), "uploading")

		// PreUploadPart is used to keep track of the size of each part (which should be identical).
		var completedPartCount int32
		parts := make(map[int32]int)
		options.PreUploadPart = func(partNumber int32, data []byte) {
			parts[partNumber] = len(data)

		// PostUploadPart increases the progress bar by the completed size.
		options.PostUploadPart = func(part types.CompletedPart, partCount int32) {
			if completedPartCount++; completedPartCount == partCount {
				_ = bar.Close()
			} else {
				_ = bar.Add64(int64(parts[aws.ToInt32(part.PartNumber)]))

	// Download must be given an io.Writer.
	f, _ := os.CreateTemp("", "*")
	defer f.Close()

	_ = xy3.Download(ctx, client, "my-bucket", "my-file", f, func(options *xy3.DownloadOptions) {
		// similar to upload, I can change the concurrency (default to 3 goroutines) or put a limit.
		options.Concurrency = runtime.NumCPU()
		options.MaxBytesInSecond = 5242880 // 5MiB

		// the size parameter is actually the total file size to be downloaded, which makes it easy to
		// update the progress bar.
		var bar *progressbar.ProgressBar
		var completedPartCount int
		options.PostGetPart = func(data []byte, size int64, partNumber, partCount int) {
			if bar == nil {
				bar = internal.DefaultBytes(size, "downloading")
			if completedPartCount++; completedPartCount == partCount {
				_ = bar.Close()
			} else {
				_ = bar.Add64(int64(len(data)))

S3 Manager

If you want to use that comes with the SDK and adds logging:

package main

import (


func main() {
	ctx, stop := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), os.Interrupt, os.Kill)
	defer stop()

	cfg, _ := config.LoadDefaultConfig(ctx)
	client := s3.NewFromConfig(cfg)

	// use a logger for all UploadPart. the log messages will be in this format: `uploaded %d parts so far`.
	uploader := manager.NewUploader(client, managerlogging.LogSuccessfulUploadPart(log.Default()))

	// or specify them on a specific upload call. because the expected number of parts is known, the log message
	// will be in this format: `uploaded %d/%d parts so far`.
	// note that is it preferable to use the logging wrappers on a per Upload/Download operation like this.
	// it's because each wrapper maintains a running tally that will be wrong if the same LoggingUploadAPIClient is
	// reused for subsequent Uploads/Downloads. I could cache the UploadId or the Bucket/Key but that is complexity
	// not worth adding from the current usage pattern.
	_, _ = uploader.Upload(ctx, &s3.PutObjectInput{
		Bucket: aws.String("my-bucket"),
		Key:    aws.String("my-key"),
		Body:   bytes.NewReader([]byte("hello, world!")),
	}, managerlogging.LogSuccessfulUploadPartWithExpectedPartCount(log.Default(), 100))

	// same for download, both types of logging wrappers exist.
	downloader := manager.NewDownloader(client, managerlogging.LogSuccessfulDownloadPart(log.Default()))
	_, _ = downloader.Download(ctx, nil, &s3.GetObjectInput{
		Bucket: aws.String("my-bucket"),
		Key:    aws.String("my-key"),
	}, managerlogging.LogSuccessfulDownloadPartWithExpectedPartCount(log.Default(), 100))


xy3 is born out of my need to create S3 backups while using XYplorer.





