My personal dotfiles setup with:
- zsh & ohmyzsh
- nvim
- iterm2
- install ohmyzsh
- install iterm 2
- clone the repo and copy its contents to ~
- set up iterm2 profile:
4a. iTerm2 -> Preferences -> Profiles -> Other Actions -> Import JSON profiles -> nguyen-darianhuy.json
OR set up manually
4b. install gruvbox-dark
- iTerm2 -> Preferences -> Profiles -> Colors -> Color Presets... -> Import -> Gruvbox Dark.itermcolors 4c. install powerline fonts
- iTerm2 -> Preferences -> Profiles -> Text -> Font -> Meslo LG M for Powerline
- install nvim
- install vim-plug
6a. install plugins
6b. install coc extensions:CocInstall coc-json coc-tsserver
- install node
- install git-prune
- install rg
- install tmux
- install ctags
- ignore tags
$ git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global
- set nvim as default git editor
$ git config --global core.editor "nvim"
- (OPTIONAL) hide public github email
$ git config --global “”