This is the Back-end for our last semester's OOP project, an image sharing social networking site called "Image Lazer".
If you want to check out our Front-end codebase, click here
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install NPM packages
npm install
- Enter your Environment variables
- Run
npm run start
As this is a photo sharing social networking site, registration is needed for users to experience all of Image Lazer's features:
- Create your own albums of interests or hobbies
- Save people's posts to your albums for later inspirations
- Look into the details of a post
- Commenting on different posts, be it praises or criticisms.
- Follow people whose style you jam with
- Chat with your followers or people you followed
- And of course you can also change your personal information (avatar, interests, etc...)
- LIKE MODULE : Deals with the liking mechanisms.
- COMMENT MODULE : Provides commenting feature.
- POST MODULE : Handles user interactions with posts.
- ALBUM MODULE : Gives users the ability to create their own albums.
- FOLLOW MODULE : Provides users with following capability.
- SAVEPOST MODULE : Provides the function to save other people's posts to your album.
- USER MODULE: Provides login, logout, post posting, save post, comment, like, chat feature for users.
- CHAT MODULE : All things messaging related.
=>All modules will be included in APP MODULE to ensure the encapsulation of the application.