An alternative API for filtering data with Spring MVC & Spring Data JPA.
A thorough introduction and the original rationale behind this component can be found my blog: In this file you can find a summary of all the current features and some API examples.
You can also take a look on a working Spring Boot app that uses this library:
- Table of contents
- Basic usage -- quick start with the lib
- Simple specifications -- basic specs, such as
etc. - Combining specs
- @And -- combining simple specs with
keyword - @Or -- combining simple specs with
keyword - Nested conjunctions and disjunctions
- @And -- combining simple specs with
- Join -- filtering by attributes of joined entities
- Join fetch -- initializing lazy associations
- Advanced HTTP parameter handling
- Static parts of queries -- adding static (not bound to HTTP params) predicates such as
deleted = false
- Default value of queries -- providing a fallback value when HTTP parameter is not present
- Annotated specification interfaces -- resolving specifications from annotated interfaces
- Handling different field types -- handling situations when provided parameter is of different type than the field (e.g.
sent against an integer field) - Path Variable support -- using uri fragments (resolvable with Spring's
annotation) in specifications - Type conversions for HTTP parameters -- information about supported type conversions (i.e. ability to convert HTTP parameters into Java types such as
, etc.) and the support of defining custom converters - Compatibility notes -- information about older versions compatible with previous Spring Boot and Java versions
- Download binary releases -- Maven artifact locations
The following HTTP request:
GET http://myhost/api/customers?firstName=Homer
can be handled with the following controller method:
@RequestMapping(value = "/customers", params = "firstName")
public Iterable<Customer> findByFirstName(
@Spec(path = "firstName", spec = Like.class) Specification<Customer> spec) {
return customerRepo.findAll(spec);
which will result in the following JPA query:
select c from Customer c where c.firstName like '%Homer%'
Alternatively you can annotate an interface:
@Spec(path="firstName", params="name", spec=Like.class)
public interface NameSpec extends Specification<Customer> {
and then use it as a controller parameter without any further annotations.
All you need to do is to wire SpecificationArgumentResolver
into your application. Then you can use @Spec
and other annotations in your controllers. SpecificationArgumentResolver
implements Spring's HandlerMethodArgumentResolver
and can be plugged in as follows:
public class MyConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
public void addArgumentResolvers(List<HandlerMethodArgumentResolver> argumentResolvers) {
argumentResolvers.add(new SpecificationArgumentResolver());
The library converts HTTP parameters (strings) into most popular Java types such as dates, numbers, and enums. In case of a need for some additional conversion, please see how to configure specification argument resolver with If you need to use additional converters please see custom converters section.
Use @Spec
annotation to automatically resolve a Specification
argument of your controller method. @Spec
has path
property that should be used to specify property path of the attribute of an entity, e.g.
. By default it's also the name of the expected HTTP parameter, e.g. GET http://myhost?
Use spec
attribute of the annotation to specify one of the filtering strategies listed in the subsections below (e.g. Like, Equal, In)
For multi value filters like: In.class
, NotIn.class
there are two ways of passing multiple arguments. The first way is passing the same HTTP parameter multiple times as follows:
GET http://myhost/customers?gender=MALE&gender=FEMALE
The second way is the use paramSeparator
attribute of @Spec
, which determines the argument separator.
For example the following controller method:
@RequestMapping(value = "/customers", params = "genderIn")
public Object findCustomersByGender(
@Spec(path = "gender", params = "genderIn", paramSeparator = ",", spec = In.class) Specification<Customer> spec) {
return customerRepo.findAll(spec);
will handle GET http://myhost/customers?gender=MALE,FEMALE
in exactly the same way as GET http://myhost/customers?gender=MALE&gender=FEMALE
(as one parameter with two values ["MALE","GENDER"]
). Without specifying paramSeparator
param gender=MALE,FEMALE
will be processed as single value: ["MALE,FEMALE"]
Filters using JPAQL like
expression. It adds a wildcard %
at the beginning and the end of the actual value, e.g. (..) where firstName like %Homer%
Usage: @Spec(path="firstName", spec=Like.class)
There are also other variants which apply the wildcard only on the beginning or the ending of the provided value: StartingWith
and EndingWith
The negated version is available: NotLike
which executes queries such as (..) where firstName not like %Homer%
Works as Like
, but the query is also case-insensitive.
Usage: @Spec(path="firstName", spec=LikeIgnoreCase.class)
There are also other variants which apply the wildcard only on the beginning or the ending of the provided value: StartingWithIgnoreCase
and EndingWithIgnoreCase
Compares an attribute of an entity with the value of a HTTP parameter (exact match). E.g. (..) where gender = FEMALE
Supports multiple data types: numbers, booleans, strings, dates, enums.
Usage: @Spec(path="gender", spec=Equal.class)
The default date format used for temporal fields is yyyy-MM-dd
. It can be overriden with a configuration parameter (see LessThan
A negation for this specification is also available: NotEqual
Works as Equal
, but the query is also case-insensitive, could be used for fields of type: String
, Enum
A negation for this specification is also available: NotEqualIgnoreCase
Compares an attribute of an entity with multiple values of a HTTP parameter. E.g. (..) where gender in (MALE, FEMALE)
Supports multiple data types: numbers, booleans, strings, dates, enums.
Usage: @Spec(path="gender", spec=In.class)
HTTP request example:
GET http://myhost/customers?gender=MALE&gender=FEMALE
or if paramSeparator
is specified (eg. @Spec(path="gender", paramSeparator=',', spec=In.class)
GET http://myhost/customers?gender=MALE,FEMALE
The default date format used for temporal fields is yyyy-MM-dd
. It can be overridden with a configuration parameter (see LessThan
A negation for this specification is also available: NotIn
Filters using is null
or is not null
, depending on the value of the parameter passed in. A value of true
will filter for is null
, and a value of false
will filter for is not null
The data type of the field specified in path
can be anything, but the HTTP parameter must be a Boolean. You should use params
attribute to make it clear that the parameter is filtering for null values.
Usage: @Spec(path="activationDate", params="activationDateNull" spec=Null.class)
If you want the query to be static, i.e. not depend on any HTTP param, use constVal
attribute of Spec
For example @Spec(path="nickname", spec=Null.class, constVal="true")
will always add nickname is null
to the query.
An inversion of Null
described above, for better readability in some scenarios.
For example, consider a deletedDate
field which is null when the entity is not deleted, and vice-versa. Then, you can introduce this mapping:
@Spec(path="deletedDate", params="isDeleted", spec=NotNull.class)
to handle HTTP requests such as:
GET http://myhost/customers?isDeleted=true
GET http://myhost/customers?isDeleted=false
to return deleted (deletedDate
not null) and not deleted (deltedDate
null) respectively.
Filters using a comparison operator (>
, >=
, <
or <=
). Supports multiple field types: strings, numbers, booleans, enums, dates. Field types must be Comparable (e.g, implement the Comparable interface); this is a JPA constraint.
Usage: @Spec(path="creationDate", spec=LessThan.class)
For temporal values, the default date format is yyyy-MM-dd
. You can override it by providing a config value to the annotation: @Spec(path="creationDate", spec=LessThan.class, config="dd-MM-yyyy")
NOTE: comparisons are dependent on the underlying database.
- Comparisons of floats and doubles (especially floats) may be incorrect due to precision loss.
- Comparisons of booleans may be dependent on the underlying database representation.
- Comparisons of enums will be of their ordinal or string representations, depending on what you specified to JPA, e.g.,
or the default (@Enumerated(EnumType.ORDINAL)
Filters by checking if a comparable field of an entity is in the provided range. E.g. (..) where creation date between :after and :before
It requires 2 HTTP parameters (for lower and upper bound). You should use params
attribute of the @Spec
annotation, i.e.: @Spec(path="registrationDate", params={"registeredAfter","registeredBefore"}, spec=Between.class)
. The corresponding HTTP query would be: GET http://myhost/customers?registeredAfter=2014-01-01®isteredBefore=2014-12-31
NOTE: comparisons are dependent on the actual type and the underlying database (see the explanation for GreaterThan
You can configure the date/datetime pattern as with LessThan
described above.
You can combine the specs described above with or
& and
. Remember that by default all of the HTTP params are optional. If you want to make all parts of your query required, you must state that explicitly in @RequestMapping
annotation (see above).
public Object findByName(
@Spec(path="registrationDate", params="registeredBefore", spec=DateBefore.class),
@Spec(path="lastName", spec=Like.class)}) Specification<Customer> customerSpec) {
return customerRepo.findAll(customerSpec);
would handle requests like GET http://myhost/customers?registeredBefore=2015-01-18&lastName=Simpson
and execute queries like: select c from Customer c where c.registrationDate < :registeredBefore and c.lastName like '%Simpson%'
public Object findByName(
@Spec(path="firstName", params="name", spec=Like.class),
@Spec(path="lastName", params="name", spec=Like.class)) Specification<Customer> customerNameSpec) {
return customerRepo.findAll(customerNameSpec);
would handle requests like GET http://myhost/customers?name=Mo
and execute queries like: select c from Customer c where c.firstName like '%Mo%' or c.lastName like '%Mo'
You can put multiple @And
inside @Disjunction
or multiple @Or
inside @Conjunction
. @Disjunction
joins nested @And
queries with 'or' operator. @Conjunction
joins nested @Or
queries with 'and' operator. For example:
public Object findByFullNameAndAddress(
@Or(@Spec(path="firstName", params="name", spec=Like.class),
@Spec(path="lastName", params="name", spec=Like.class)),
@Or(@Spec(path="address.street", params="address", spec=Like.class),
@Spec(path="", params="address", spec=Like.class))
}) Specification<Customer> customerSpec) {
return customerRepo.findAll(customerSpec);
would handle requests like GET http://myhost/customers?name=Sim&address=Ever
and execute queries like select c from Customer c where (c.firstName like '%Sim%' or c.lastName like '%Sim%') and (c.address.street like '%Ever%' or like '%Ever%')
You must use @Conjunction
and @Disjunction
as top level annotations (instead of regular @And
and @Or
) because of limitations of Java annotation syntax (it does not allow cycle in annotation references).
You can join nested @And
and @Or
queries with simple @Spec
, for example:
public Object findByFullNameAndAddressAndNickName(
@Conjunction(value = {
@Or(@Spec(path="firstName", params="name", spec=Like.class),
@Spec(path="lastName", params="name", spec=Like.class)),
@Or(@Spec(path="address.street", params="address", spec=Like.class),
@Spec(path="", params="address", spec=Like.class))
}, and = @Spec(path="nickName", spec=Like.class) Specification<Customer> customerSpec) {
return customerRepo.findAll(customerSpec);
public Object findByLastNameOrGoldenByFirstName(
@Disjunction(value = {
@And({@Spec(path="golden", spec=Equal.class, constVal="true"),
@Spec(path="firstName", params="name", spec=Like.class)})
}, or = @Spec(path="lastName", params="name", spec=Like.class) Specification<Customer> customerSpec) {
return customerRepo.findAll(customerSpec);
You can use @Join
annotation to perform joins and then filter by attributes of joined entities. For example, let's assume the following entities:
public class Customer {
// other fields omitted for brevity
@OneToMany(mappedBy = customer)
private Collection<Order> orders;
public class Order {
// other fields omitted for brevity
private Customer customer;
private String itemName;
If you want to find all customers who ordered pizza, you can do the following:
public Object findByOrderedItem(
@Join(path= "orders", alias = "o") // alias specified for joined path
@Spec(path="o.itemName", params="orderedItem", spec=Like.class) // alias used in regular spec definition
Specification<Customer> customersByOrderedItemSpec) {
return customerRepo.findAll(customersByOrderedItemSpec);
The default join type is INNER
. You can use type
attribute of the annotation to specify different value.
Using @Join
annotation makes the query distinct by default. While it is the best approach for most of the cases, you can override it by using distinct
attribute of the annotation.
You can specify multiple different joins, for example:
public Object findByOrderedOrFavouriteItem(
@Join(path = "orders", alias = "o")
@Join(path = "favourites", alias = "f")
@Spec(path="o.itemName", params="item", spec=Like.class),
@Spec(path="f.itemName", params="item", spec=Like.class)}) Specification<Customer> customersByItem) {
return customerRepo.findAll(customersByItem);
Multi-level joins are supported. To create multi-level join you should specify multiple joins in which join path contains alias of another join with higher priority.
For example, let's assume the following entities:
class Customer {
// other fields omitted for brevity
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "customer")
private Set<Order> orders;
class Order {
// other fields omitted for brevity
private Customer customer;
@ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Set<ItemTag> tags;
public class ItemTag {
// other fields omitted for brevity
private String name;
If you want to find all customers who ordered item tagged as #snacks
, you can do the following:
@RequestMapping(value = "/findCustomersByOrderedItemTag")
public Object findCustomersByOrderedItemTag(
@Join(path = "orders", alias = "o")
@Join(path = "o.tags", alias = "t")
@Spec(path = "", params = "tag", spec = Equal.class) Specification<Customer> spec) {
return customerRepo.findAll(spec,"id"));
Annotations are processed sequentially, the order must be kept!
Following spec is invalid:
@RequestMapping(value = "/findCustomersByOrderedItemTag")
public Object findCustomersByOrderedItemTag(
@Join(path = "o.tags", alias = "t") // "o" alias will be not exist during processing this @Join
@Join(path = "orders", alias = "o")
@Spec(path = "", params = "tag", spec = Equal.class) Specification<Customer> spec) {
return customerRepo.findAll(spec,"id"));
You can use join annotations with custom annotated specification interfaces.
You can use @JoinFetch
annotation to specify paths to perform fetch join on. For example:
public Object findByCityFetchOrdersAndAddresses(
@JoinFetch(paths = { "orders", "addresses" })
@Spec(path="", params="town", spec=Like.class) Specification<Customer> customersByCitySpec) {
return customerRepo.findAll(customersByCitySpec);
As with @Join
, the use of @JoinFetch
makes the query distinct by default.
The default join type is LEFT
. You can use joinType
attribute of the annotation to specify different value. You can specify multiple different joins, for example:
public Object findByCityFetchOrdersAndAddresses(
@JoinFetch(paths = "orders")
@JoinFetch(paths = "addresses", joinType = JoinType.INNER)
@Spec(path="", params="town", spec=Like.class) Specification<Customer> customersByCitySpec) {
return customerRepo.findAll(customersByCitySpec);
You can use join annotations with custom annotated specification interfaces.
Multi-level fetch join is supported. To create multi-level fetch join you should specify multiple fetch joins in which join path contains alias of another fetch join with higher priority.
For example, let's assume the following entities:
class Customer {
// other fields omitted for brevity
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "customer")
private Set<Order> orders;
class Order {
// other fields omitted for brevity
private Customer customer;
@ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Set<ItemTag> tags;
public class ItemTag {
// other fields omitted for brevity
private String name;
If you want to find all customers and fetch additional nested attributes (entities) to avoid SELECT N+1 Problem
you can do the following:
@RequestMapping(value = "/findCustomersByOrderedItemTag")
public Object findCustomers(
@JoinFetch(paths = "orders", alias = "o")
@JoinFetch(paths = "o.tags") Specification<Customer> spec) {
return customerRepo.findAll(spec,"id"));
The same as in case of multi-level joins, annotations are processed sequentially, the order must be kept!
Join Fetch aliases exists only in context of join fetch and can't be used in another specs paths! Following spec is invalid:
@RequestMapping(value = "/findCustomersByOrderedItemTag")
public Object findCustomersByOrderedItemTag(
@JoinFetch(path = "orders", alias = "o")
@Spec(path = "o.itemName", params = "itemName", spec = Equal.class) Specification<Customer> spec) {
return customerRepo.findAll(spec,"id"));
If there is a need to refer to joined paths in other specs, then regular join (not fetch) should be used as described in the Join section.
If the HTTP parameter is not present, the resolved Specification
will be null
. It means no filtering at all when passed to a repository. If you want to make the parameter non-optional, you should use standard Spring MVC annotations, e.g. @RequestMapping(params={"firstName"})
By default, the expected HTTP parameter is the same as the property path. If you want them to differ, you can use params
attribute of @Spec
. For example this method:
public Object findByCity(
@Spec(path="", params="town", spec=Like.class) Specification<Customer> customersByCitySpec) {
return customerRepo.findAll(customersByCitySpec);
will handle GET http://myhost/customers?town=Springfield
as select c from Customer c where city.address like '%Springfield%'
If you don't want to bind your Specification to any HTTP parameter, you can use constVal
attribute of @Spec
. For example:
@Spec(path="deleted", spec=Equal.class, constVal="false")
will always produce the following: where deleted = false
. It is often convenient to combine such a static part with dynamic ones using @And
or @Or
described below.
Support for SpEL expression and property placeholders in constVal
could be enabled in following way:
- Configure
by passing AbstractApplicationContext in constructor - Set attribute
value totrue
Configuration example:
AbstractApplicationContext applicationContext;
public void addArgumentResolvers(List<HandlerMethodArgumentResolver> argumentResolvers) {
argumentResolvers.add(new SpecificationArgumentResolver(applicationContext));
Usage example #1:
@RequestMapping(value = "/customers")
public Object findCustomersBornInTheFuture(
@Spec(path = "birthDate", constVal = "#{T(java.time.LocalDate).now()}", valueInSpEL = true, spec = GreaterThanOrEqual.class) Specification<Customer> spec) {
return customerRepo.findAll(spec);
Usage example #2:
@RequestMapping(value = "/customers")
public Object findCustomersWithTheLastNameSimpson(
@Spec(path = "lastName", constVal = "${search.default-params.lastName}", valueInSpEL = true, spec = Equal.class) Specification<Customer> spec) {
return customerRepo.findAll(spec);
Defined in constVal
SpEL expression should be able to be evaluated to java.lang.String
When the request parameter is not provided or has an empty value, you can use defaultVal
atatribute of @Spec
to provide a value to fallback to. For example this controller method:
public Object findByRole(
@Spec(path="role", spec=Equal.class, defaultVal="USER") Specification<User> spec) {
return userRepo.findAll(spec);
Would handle request such as GET /users
with the following query: select u from Users u where u.role = 'USER'
Supplying constVal
implicitly sets defaultVal
to empty.
Support for SpEL expression and property placeholders in defaultVal
could be enabled in the same way as for constVal
You can annotate a custom interface that extends Specification
, eg.:
@Spec(path="firstName", params="name", spec=Like.class),
@Spec(path="lastName", params="name", spec=Like.class)
public interface FullNameSpec extends Specification<Customer> {
It can be then used as a controller parameter without further annotations, i.e.:
public Object findByFullName(FullNameSpec spec) {
return repository.findAll(spec);
When such parameter is additionally annotated, the both specifications (from the interface and the parameter annotations) are joined with 'and' operator. For example you can define a base interface like this:
@Spec(path="deleted", spec=Equal.class, constVal="false")
public interface NotDeletedEntitySpec<T> extends Specification<T> {}
and then use it as a foundation for you controller as follows:
public Object findNotDeletedCustomerByLastName(
@Spec(path="lastName", spec=Equal.class) NotDeletedEntitySpec<Customer> spec) {
return repository.findAll(spec);
to execute queries such as select c from Customer c where c.deleted = false and c.lastName like %Homer%
Specifications are resolved from all parent interfaces and combined with and
. As an example, let's consider the following interfaces:
@Spec(path = "deleted", constVal = "false", spec = Equal.class)
public interface NotDeletedSpec extends Specification<Customer> {}
@Spec(path = "firstName", spec = Equal.class)
public interface FirstNameSpec extends NotDeletedSpec {}
extends NotDeletedSpec
, so their specifications will be combined with and
, i.e. a controller method like this:
public Object findNotDeletedCustomersByFirstName(FirstNameSpec spec) {
return repository.findAll(spec);
will accept HTTP requests such as GET /customers?firstName=Homer
and execute JPA queries such as where firstName = 'Homer' and deleted = false
Consider a field age
of type Integer
and the following specification definition:
@Spec(path="age", spec=Equal.class)
If non-numeric values is passed with the HTTP request (e.g. ?age=test
), then the result list will be empty. If you want an exception to be thrown instead, use onTypeMismatch
property of the Spec
annotation, i.e:
@Spec(path="age", spec=Equal.class, onTypeMismatch=OnTypeMismatch.EXCEPTION)
This behaviour has changed in version 0.9.0
(exception was the default value in previous ones). The default OnTypeMismatch.EMPTY_RESULT
is useful when using @And
or @Or
and their inner specs refer to fields of different types, e.g.:
@Spec(path="firstName", params="query", spec=Equal.class),
@Spec(path="customerId", params="query", spec=Equal.class)})
(assuming that firstName
is String
and customerId
is a numeric type)
Although in pure RESTful API this feature should not be needed, it sometimes might be useful to use values from path variables. Path variables are uri fragments resolvable with Spring's @PathVariable
annotation. You can refer to them by using pathVars
property of @Spec
(instead of params
property). For example:
public Object findNotDeletedCustomersByFirstName(
@Spec(path = "lastName", pathVars = "customerLastName", spec=Equal.class) Specification<Customer> spec) {
return repository.findAll(spec);
This will handle request GET /customers/Simpson
as select c from Customers c where c.lastName = 'Simpson'
Basic regular expressions are supported for path variable matching. All patterns supported by Spring AntPathMatcher are supported. For example:
@RequestMapping(value = "/pathVar/customers/{customerId:[0-9]+}")
public Object findById(
@Spec(path = "id", pathVars = "customerId", spec = Equal.class) Specification<Customer> spec) {
return customerRepo.findAll(spec);
Specification argument resolvers uses conversion mechanism to convert request string params to types of fields for which specifications have been defined.
Let's consider the following code:
public class SampleController {
CustomerRepository customerRepository;
public List<Customer> findByRegistrationDate(
@Spec(path = "name", params = "name", spec = Equal.class),
@Spec(path = "registrationDate", params = "registrationDate", spec = GreaterThanOrEqual.class)
}) Specification<Customer> spec) {
return customerRepository.findAll(spec);
public class Customer {
String name;
Date registrationDate;
When the following request will be sent to the endpoint presented above
GET /find?name=John®istrationDate=2020-06-19
a Specification<Customer>
based on fields name
and registrationDate
will be built.
- The type of the
field is aString
type, received parameter value is always aString
type so there is no need of conversion. - The type of the
field isjava.util.Date
type, so theString
will be converted intoDate
using one of available converter.
Specification Argument Resolver contains converters for most common java types.
List of supported conversions:
String -> Enum
String -> boolean
String -> Boolean
String -> integer
String -> Integer
String -> long
String -> Long
String -> float
String -> Float
String -> double
String -> Double
String -> BigDecimal
String -> Date
(default format:yyyy-MM-dd
)String -> LocalDate
(default format:yyyy-MM-dd
)String -> LocalDateTime
(default format:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
)String -> OffsetDateTime
(default format:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX
)String -> Instant
(default format:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX
)String -> UUID
To use a custom format for temporal types, add config="custom-format-value"
to @Spec
For example:
@Spec(path="creationDate", spec=LessThan.class, config="dd-MM-yyyy")
In case of missing converter, fallback mechanism will be used if one has been configured otherwise ClassCastException
will be thrown.
The converter includes a fallback mechanism based on Spring ConversionService
, which is invoked when required conversion is not supported by any default converter. If the ConversionService
supports required conversion it will be performed, otherwise a ClassCastException
will be thrown.
To add specification argument resolver support for custom conversion:
- Add required converter to ConversionService
- Configure fallback mechanism by passing ConversionService to SpecificationArgumentResolver constructor.
For example:
public class MyConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
ConversionService conversionService;
public void addArgumentResolvers(List<HandlerMethodArgumentResolver> argumentResolvers) {
argumentResolvers.add(new SpecificationArgumentResolver(conversionService));
public void addFormatters(FormatterRegistry registry) {
registry.addConverter(new StringToAddressConverter());
public static class StringToAddressConverter implements Converter<String, Address> {
public Address convert(String rawAddress) {
Address address = new Address();
return address;
This project has been maintained since 2014. A lot has changed in Java and Spring during that period and the most recent versions might not be compatible with older JDK and/or Spring. In the table below you can find the summary of version compatibility:
specification-arg-resolver version | JDK requirements | Spring requirements |
v2.0.0 (or newer) |
1.8 or higher |
Compiled and tested against Spring Boot 2.1 |
v1.1.1 (or older) |
1.7 or higher |
Compiled and tested against Spring Boot 1.x ; confirmed to work with Spring boot 2.x |
As far as the features supported in each version, please check the
Specification argument resolver is available in the Maven Central:
If a new version is not yet available in the central repository (or you need a SNAPSHOT version), you can grab it from my private repo: