This project provides plugin for Flowable BPMN engine process editor integration into IntelliJ, aiming for code navigation support between BPMN diagram and your classes including Spring beans.
Currently, it is work-in-progress.
You can install the plugin from ZIP file provided at releases page of this repository or from alpha-channel of JetBrains plugin repository.
Install a plugin from: 0.1 MVP release page
NOTE: The plugin requires 'Ultimate Edition' of InteliJ for code navigation
Installation guideline video:
- Open
File -> Settings -> Plugins
- In opened window, click on
button (Manage plugins, repositories) ->Manage Plugin Repositories
- Add Alpha releases channel -
to repositories list - Now you are able to list and install
Flowable bpmn visualizer
plugin directly from plugin search window
IntelliJ docs on this topic:
How to configure and use alpha channel
MVP workflow demo:
- To open BPMN diagram in the plugin - left mouse button on XML file and select
View BPMN Diagram
- To move diagram up/down/left/right - click mouse wheel and start moving your mouse - diagram will follow (like dragging with mouse wheel)
- Zoom in/out - mouse wheel rotation
- To select element click on it with mouse
View summary table
XML element | Supported |
adHocSubProcess | |
association | |
boundaryEvent | |
bpmndi:BPMNDiagram | Y |
bpmndi:BPMNEdge | Y |
bpmndi:BPMNPlane | Y |
bpmndi:BPMNShape | Y |
businessRuleTask | |
callActivity | Y |
cancelEventDefinition | |
compensateEventDefinition | |
completionCondition | |
condition | |
conditionalEventDefinition | |
conditionExpression | Y |
dataObject | |
definitions | |
documentation | Y |
endEvent | Y |
errorEventDefinition | |
escalationEventDefinition | |
eventBasedGateway | |
exclusiveGateway | Y |
extensionElements | |
flowable:eventListener | |
flowable:executionListener | |
flowable:field | |
flowable:in | |
flowable:out | |
flowable:string | |
flowable:value | |
inclusiveGateway | |
intermediateCatchEvent | |
intermediateThrowEvent | |
loopCardinality | |
message | |
messageEventDefinition | |
multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics | |
omgdc:Bounds | Y |
omgdi:waypoint | Y |
parallelGateway | |
process | |
receiveTask | |
script | |
scriptTask | |
sequenceFlow | Y |
serviceTask | Y |
signalEventDefinition | |
startEvent | Y |
subProcess | |
terminateEventDefinition | |
text | |
textAnnotation | |
timeDate | |
timerEventDefinition | |
transaction | |
userTask |