This is a RESTful API server using Microsoft C++ REST SDK and MPFDParser to perform inference based on Intel OpenVINO 2018 R5. The model is trained by TensorFlow Object Detection API, then use Model Optimizer of OpenVINO to convert to IR format.
The default port number is 30303
GET /inference
POST /inference
PUT /model
For detail usage, please check source code
For detailed steps to install OpenVINO, follow Install the Intel Distribution of OpenVINO toolkit for Linux.
For detailed steps to install cpprestsdk, please follow here or apt-get on Debian/Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install libcpprest-dev
Clone this repository.
$ cd ~
$ git clone
Make sure the CMake is istalled. To build nextfodie
, the minimum version should be 2.8. Use this command to install the latest CMake
on Ubuntu.
$ sudo apt-get install cmake
Build it!
$ cd ~/nextfodie/src
$ bash
The generated binary in ~/nextfodie/build/intel64/Release
. So move to there.
$ cd ~/nextfodie/build/intel64/Release
Run nextfodie
with CPU, load a pre-trained model, listen to localhost
$ ./nextfodie -m ir/fp32/frozen_inference_graph.xml
Loading model... done
Listen to http://localhost:30303
Run nextfodie
with GPU, do not load model, listen to anyone
$ ./nextfodie -d GPU -H
Listen to
Now you may use any RESTful API tool such as Postman or curl
to load model. The response should be like this
---------- PUT /model
Load model request (xml: 173209; bin: 94699118)
Loading... done (rx: 8017.15mS; load: 15598.1mS; total: 23615.2mS)
You may refer to openvino-docker to build your own Docker image or using Dockerfile.16.04
or Dockerfile.18.04
Suppose your cloned nextfodie
repository is in ~/nextfodie
For Ubuntu 16.04
$ cd ~/nextfodie/docker
$ docker build -t nextfodie:16.04 -f Dockerfile.16.04 .
$ cd ~
$ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/nextfodie:/root/nextfodie -p 30303:30303 nextfodie:16.04
For Ubuntu 18.04
$ cd ~/nextfodie/docker
$ docker build -t nextfodie:18.04 -f Dockerfile.18.04 .
$ cd ~
$ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/nextfodie:/root/nextfodie -p 30303:30303 nextfodie:18.04
You have to add device /dev/dri
into container. For example,
$ docker run --rm -it --device /dev/dri -v $(pwd)/nextfodie:/root/nextfodie -p 30303:30303 nextfodie:18.04