C# tutorial on how to consume UAPI Services
This is a tutorial for the Travelport Universal API and is written in the C# language. This is the initial commit of C# code in github. We have added ColsoleApplication1 which is ping and airAvailability tutorial and ConspoleApplication2 which is a HotelService Tutorial based on Search->Details->Book. More of c# projects will follow soon.
Please clone/download the project to MyDocuments/Visal Studio 2012/Projects. Then open up the solution in visual studio and create Service References from the wsdl files and put the service references in the Serive References folder inside the project. Please change the URL_PREFIX variable inside WsdlService.cs to the project location in your machine.
Please create a issue in Github under the repository if youm face any issues. We will soon put a project installation guideline with screenshots.
Resources Used:
This project has been created using .Net 4.5.1, in visual studio 2012 and using UAPOI 8.1 schema version(version v_29_0).
You can read the tutorial online via Github or you can clone the repository and examine the branch 'gh-pages'.
If you have questions or comments, please post them to the issue tracker in Github.