Restricts authors to selected sections only.
- This extensions offers real security, as any attempt to view or edit entries in un-allowed sections will result in a security exception.
- This exception is also written in Symphony's log.
- Symphony CMS version 2.7.x and up (as of the day of the last release of this extension)
git clone
/ download and unpack the tarball file- Put into the extension directory
- Enable/install just like any other extension
You can also install it using the extension downloader.
Just search for restricted_sections
For more information, see
- Go to the authors page to edit an existing author or create a new one.
- Selected which section this author can view and edit.
This field would not have been created if people did not financed it. A big thanks to all the people at News Deeply to have put the money into creating this extension.
Made with love in Montréal by Deux Huit Huit