A command line client for managing NewReleases projects.
NewReleases client binaries have no external dependencies and can be just copied and executed locally.
Binary downloads of the NewReleases client can be found on the Releases page.
To install on macOS:
wget https://github.com/newreleasesio/cli-go/releases/latest/download/newreleases-darwin-amd64 -O /usr/local/bin/newreleases
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/newreleases
You may need additional privileges to write to /usr/local/bin
, but the file can be saved at any location that you want.
Supported operating systems and architectures:
- macOS ARM 64bit
- macOS 64bit
- Linux 64bit
- Linux 32bit
- Linux ARM 64bit
- Linux ARM 32bit
- Windows 64bit
- Windows ARM 64bit
- Windows 32bit
Deb and RPM packages are also built.
This tool is implemented using the Go programming language and can be also installed by issuing a go get
go get -u newreleases.io/cmd/newreleases
A convenience installation for macOS and Linux users.
brew install newreleasesio/cmd/newreleases
This tool needs to authenticate to NewReleases API using a secret Auth Key that can be generated on the service settings web pages.
The key can be stored permanently by issuing interactive commands:
newreleases configure
newreleases get-auth-key
or it can be provided as the command line argument flag --auth-key
on every newreleases command execution.
NewReleases client and its commands have help pages associated with them that can be printed out with -h
newreleases -h
newreleases get-auth-key -h
newreleases project add -h
The base command for getting projects is project
and it shows available sub-commands which are list
, search
, get
, add
, update
and remove
Listing all added projects is paginated and a page can be specified with --page
(short -p
) flag:
newreleases project list
newreleases project list -p 2
Project can be filtered by provider:
newreleases project list --provider github
and the order can be specified with --order
flag which can have values updated
, added
or name
newreleases project list --order name
Projects can be searched by name with:
newreleases project search go
where go
is the example of a search string.
Search results can be filtered by provider, just as listing can be with --provider
newreleases project search go --provider github
Information about a specific project can be retrieved with:
newreleases project get github golang/go
or by a project id:
newreleases project get mdsbe60td5gwgzetyksdfeyxt4
A project can be added with:
newreleases project add github golang/go
But there is a number of options that can be set, as by default, none of the notifications are enabled.
To enable emailing:
newreleases project add github golang/go --email daily
Or to add Slack notifications as well, but exclude pre-releases:
newreleases project add github golang/go --email daily --slack td5gwxt4mdsbe6gzetyksdfey0 --exclude-prereleases
More details about options can be found on add
sub-command help page:
newreleases project add -h
Updating a project options is also possible. It contains the same options as the add
command with additional flags to remove some of them. More information about options can be found on update
sub-command help page:
newreleases project update -h
It is important that only specified options will be changed. For example, specifying different Slack channels will not remove already set other options like Telegram or Email or exclusions.
newreleases project update github golang/go --slack td5gwxt4mdsbe6gzetyksdfey0
To remove the project from tracking its releases:
newreleases project remove github golang/go
or by a project id:
newreleases project remove mdsbe60td5gwgzetyksdfeyxt4
The base command for getting releases is release
and it shows available sub-commands which are list
, get
, and note
To list all releases in chronological order of one project:
newreleases release list github golang/go
where the first argument after list
is the provider and the second one is the project name.
or by project id:
newreleases release list mdsbe60td5gwgzetyksdfeyxt4
where the only argument after list
is the project ID.
Results are paginated and the requested page can be specified with --page
(short -p
) flag.
newreleases release list github golang/go -p 2
To get information about only one release, there is the get
newreleases release get github golang/go go1.13.5
newreleases release get mdsbe60td5gwgzetyksdfeyxt4 go1.13.5
To get information about only one release, there is the get-latest
newreleases release get-latest github golang/go
newreleases release get-latest mdsbe60td5gwgzetyksdfeyxt4
To get a release note about a release, there is the note
newreleases release note npm vue 2.6.11
newreleases release note gzetyksdfeyxt4mdsbe60td5gw 2.6.11
NewReleases supports a number of clients and they can be listed with:
newreleases providers
To list only providers that you have project added from:
newreleases providers --added
This information can be useful when filtering projects by a provider.
Notification channels can be managed only over the service's web interface. With NewReleases CLI client, they can be listed to relate their IDs from the output from other commands with their names. Available commands:
newreleases slack
newreleases telegram
newreleases discord
newreleases hangouts-chat
newreleases microsoft-teams
newreleases mattermost
newreleases rocketchat
newreleases matrix
newreleases webhook
The base command for getting tags is tag
and it shows available sub-commands which are list
, get
, add
, update
and remove
Listing all tags:
newreleases tag list
Information about a specific tag can be retrieved with:
newreleases tag get 33f1db7254b9
A tag can be added with specifying its name:
newreleases tag add Awesome
To change a tag name, it should be referenced by its ID and a new name should be specified.
newreleases tag update 33f1db7254b9 --name Cool
Tag is removed by its ID:
newreleases tag remove 33f1db7254b9
To see the current version of the binary, execute:
newreleases version
Each version is tagged and the version is updated accordingly in version.go
We love pull requests! Please see the contribution guidelines.
This application is distributed under the BSD-style license found in the LICENSE file.