This project is a challenge applied by Teravoz. It's a simple webhook with Nodejs, Express and Redis
For dashboard you can find out on here.
This project needs the Docker installed on your system
$make help
$make server
It'll create a server on http://localhost:8080/
$make stop
$make status
$make test
This project have 3 endpoints
Verify if server is up
"message": "Server online"
Get all active calls
"data": [
"type": "",
"call_id": "1463669263.30031",
"code": "123456",
"direction": "inbound",
"our_number": "0800000000",
"their_number": "11999990000",
"their_number_type": "mobile",
"timestamp": "2017-01-01T00:00:00Z"
Receive the Teravoz calls. For a complete operation, don't forget to add your user and password from Teravoz API. Access the scr/constants/config.constants.js and change the variables USERNAME and PASSWORD with your credentials
"data": {
"type": "",
"call_id": "1463669263.30031",
"code": "123456",
"direction": "inbound",
"our_number": "0800000000",
"their_number": "11999990000",
"their_number_type": "mobile",
"timestamp": "2017-01-01T00:00:00Z"