I use the open typeface Hack
To configurate a new Mac with my default settings
$ source osx.sh
Remember to update your user name and email in the file .gitconfig
To config my Vim and Bash settings just run the install.sh
It will copy all the dot (.) files for you
$ source install.sh
After that you can install the Vim plugins using Vundle
$ vim +PluginInstall +qall
To install all my commandline apps using homebrew
$ source brew.sh
To install all my apps using Homebrew Cask
$ source cask.sh
To install the NPM global modules
$ source npm.sh
The file my.terminal has the color settigns to use in the Mac's Terminal app
In terminal app go to Preferences > Import and choose the file to import. After that set it as default
Vitor Leal |