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Recent changes

  • 28 Jan 2024
    • Added OAuth and OpenID info
  • 08 Dec 2023
    • Added is-user-invited method
    • Updated product list
  • 27 Dec 2022
    • It's now possible to use string unique request IDs
  • 25 Apr 2022
    • Added get-balance method
    • Webhooks are now have kind parameter,
      so they can be distinguished easily when sent to single endpoint
    • Updated docs
  • 04 Feb 2022
    • Added is-user-exists method
    • Added get-prices method
    • Success/failure responses are now consistent between methods (without breaking changes)

Webhook callbacks

Event notifications sent to your server as POST requests with json body. You can set webhook urls in market api settings

For signature verification refer to signatures section. You should always check signature validity and ignore any events with invalid signature

You can also check example webhook callback handler here

Balance transfer

This event is sent when balance is transferred to your account

  "kind": "transfer",
  "amount": 1,
  "username": "A49",
  "unique_id": 22,
  "signature": "51a6c1c281c4cd8c4e020f89cc3bdca6aa6c0747fc33f7112ef041064bd864a2"
Parameter Description
kind Event type
amount Amount received
username Sender username
unique_id Incrementing transfer id
signature Event signature

Item purchase

This event is sent when your item is purchased

  "kind": "purchase",
  "amount": 0.9,
  "username": "A49",
  "unique_id": 89968,
  "item_id": "E3yugw",
  "signature": "dc20a4d73447ac51689d6e03115aa135a8d734e610352dda818e830e70a60560"
Parameter Description
kind Event type
username Buyer
unique_id Incrementing purchase id
item_id Bought item code
signature Event signature

Api requests

Api requests should be sent with POST method and application/json content-type

Common parameters

Common parameters used in all types of actions (unless specified otherwise):

Parameter Description Additional
user_id Your user id You can get it on market api settings page
signature Request signature Refer to signatures section
id Unique request id Used to prevent erroneous repetitive requests. Not needed for read-only requests

Request id

id parameter should be unique between requests. If you haven't received a successful response for your request it's safe to try it again with the same id parameter. If your action haven't been completed it will be completed with second request, and if it was, and you failed to receive the response previously for some unrelated reason you will receive Invalid id. error and you will not spend funds twice.

Unique id format

Parameter Limitation
Type integer or string ("id": 123 or "id": "abcde123")
Max length 80 characters (for both numbers and strings)
Allowed characters lower and upper case latin alphabet, numbers, and .-_, whitespace is not supported

Curl example

curl '' \
  --data '{"user_id": 1, "signature": "..."}' \
  -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json"

Replace data and url in example above depending on action you need to do


Successful response

  "succ": true,
  "success": true

Successful responses may contain additional fields, refer to methods documentation below.

succ field is left for backwards compatibility with older api revisions and always have the same value as success.

Failure response

  "succ": false,
  "success": false,
  "error": "Error message"

Product list

List of valid products you can specify in product request field of methods below:

product name Game name
csgo CS:GO
cs2 CS2

Api methods

Give item to user

URL: /api/market/give-for-free

  "user_id": 1,
  "id": 1338,
  "username": "darth",
  "code": "E3yugw",
  "signature": "c0e8a7fa9c9fafe16d21ad0be087a6372bb7a9256fab212ff106666a152c6e0a"

This request gives item E3yugw to user darth

Parameter Description
username Username that will receive this item
code Market code of item you want to give

Transfer balance

This method is available for official resellers only

URL: /api/market/transfer-money

  "user_id": 1,
  "id": 1337,
  "username": "a49",
  "amount": 2.00,
  "signature": "32208d45c593478eceb0e15aa0f8013a1259c1ef32f755edf2c49b9df2072aa2"

This request transfers 2 NLE to user a49

Parameter Description
username Username that will receive NLE
amount Amount of NLE you want to transfer

Gift product

This method is available for official resellers only

URL: /api/market/gift-product

  "user_id": 1,
  "id": 2,
  "username": "darth",
  "product": "csgo",
  "cnt": 0,
  "signature": "32208d45c593478eceb0e15aa0f8013a1259c1ef32f755edf2c49b9df2072aa2"

This request gifts 30 days for CS:GO to user darth

Parameter Description
username Username that will receive product
product Product name
cnt Upgrade type (refer to table below)

cnt parameter:

cnt Price Days
0 17.1 NLE 30
1 44.1 NLE 90
2 80.1 NLE 180
3 134.1 NLE 365

For converted RUB prices refer to get-prices method below

Get product prices

This method is available for official resellers only

URL: /api/market/get-prices

  "user_id": 1,
  "product": "csgo",
  "signature": "..."
Parameter Description
product Product name

Read-only method, id parameter is not needed here


  "succ": true,
  "success": true,
  "prices": {
    "30": {
      "cnt": 0,
      "eur": 17.1,
      "rub": 1368
    "90": {
      "cnt": 1,
      "eur": 44.1,
      "rub": 3529
    "180": {
      "cnt": 2,
      "eur": 80.1,
      "rub": 6410
    "365": {
      "cnt": 3,
      "eur": 134.1,
      "rub": 10731

This request will return current prices for selected product

Check if user invited to product

This method is available for official resellers only

URL: /api/market/is-user-invited

  "user_id": 1,
  "username": "target_user",
  "product": "cs2",
  "signature": "..."
Parameter Description
product Product name
username Login of user to check

Read-only method, id parameter is not needed here


  "succ": true,
  "success": true,
  "cheat_public": false,
  "user_invited": true
  • will return cheat_public=true if cheat does not require invite (user_invited will always be true in this case)
  • when cheat_public=false, user_invited determines whether this user is invited to this product or not.
  • You won't be able to gift subscription to non-invited user when cheat is not public!

Check if user exists

This method is available for official resellers only

URL: /api/market/is-user-exists

  "user_id": 1,
  "username": "darth",
  "signature": "..."
Parameter Description
username Username to check

Read-only method, id parameter is not needed here


  "success": true,
  "succ": true,
  "user_exists": true

user_exists field will be true if user darth exists, false otherwise

Get NLE balance

URL: /api/market/get-balance

  "user_id": 1,
  "signature": "..."

Read-only method, id parameter is not needed here


  "succ": true,
  "success": true,
  "balance": 62.6

Signature creation and validation

Python example

from hashlib import sha256

def market_api_generate_signature(j, secret):
    str_to_hash = ("".join([i + str(j[i]) for i in sorted(j)]) + secret).encode()
    # print(str_to_hash)
    hashed = sha256(str_to_hash).hexdigest()
    return hashed

def market_api_validate_signature(j, secret):
    nl_sig = j["signature"]
    del j["signature"]
    our_sig = market_api_generate_signature(j, secret)
    return nl_sig == our_sig

# Validation

event_data = {
    "amount": 0.9,
    "username": "A49",
    "unique_id": 89968,
    "item_id": "E3yugw",
    "signature": "dc20a4d73447ac51689d6e03115aa135a8d734e610352dda818e830e70a60560"
assert (market_api_validate_signature(event_data, "key") == True)

# Generation

request_data = {
    "user_id": 1,
    "id": 1337,
    "username": "a49",
    "amount": 2.00,
request_data.update(signature=market_api_generate_signature(request_data, "key"))

Javascript example

"use strict";
let crypto = require("crypto");

const sort_obj = function(obj) {
  return Object.keys(obj).sort().reduce(function (result, key) {
    result[key] = obj[key];
    return result;
  }, {});

const obj_to_string = function (obj) {
  obj = sort_obj(obj);
  let str = '';
  for (let p in obj) {
      if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
          str += p + obj[p];
  return str;

const market_api_generate_signature = function(j, secret){
    const str_to_hash = obj_to_string(j) + secret
    const hashed = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(str_to_hash).digest('hex');
    return hashed
const market_api_validate_signature = function(j, secret){
  const nl_sig = j["signature"]
  delete j["signature"]
  const our_sig = market_api_generate_signature(j, secret)
  return nl_sig === our_sig

// Validation

let data = {
  "amount": 0.9,
  "username": "A49",
  "unique_id": 89968,
  "item_id": "E3yugw",
  "signature": "dc20a4d73447ac51689d6e03115aa135a8d734e610352dda818e830e70a60560"
let sign_valid = market_api_validate_signature(data, "key")

PHP library

composer require rainedot/php-nl-market
$api = new \Rainedot\PhpNlMarket\MarketAPI('YOUR_API_KEY', 1);
$api->validateRequest(array $request); // Returns true if request is valid

Example webhook callback handlers

python + bottle


from bottle import run, request, post
import bottle
from hashlib import sha256

SECRET_KEY = "key"

def market_api_generate_signature(j, secret):
    str_to_hash = ("".join([i + str(j[i]) for i in sorted(j)]) + secret).encode()
    hashed = sha256(str_to_hash).hexdigest()
    return hashed

def market_api_validate_signature(j, secret):
    nl_sig = j["signature"]
    del j["signature"]
    our_sig = market_api_generate_signature(j, secret)
    return nl_sig == our_sig

def on_purchase():
    data = request.json
    if not market_api_validate_signature(data, SECRET_KEY):
        return "invalid signature"
    res = data["username"] + " bought item" + data["item_id"]
    print(res, flush=True)
    return res

app = application = bottle.Bottle()
run(host='', port=8080)

nodejs + express

const express = require('express')
const app = express()
const crypto = require("crypto")

const secret_key = "key"

const sort_obj = function(obj) {
  return Object.keys(obj).sort().reduce(function (result, key) {
    result[key] = obj[key]
    return result
  }, {})

const obj_to_string = function (obj) {
 obj = sort_obj(obj)
    let str = ''
    for (let p in obj) {
        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
            str += p + obj[p]
    return str

const market_api_generate_signature = function(j, secret){
    const str_to_hash = obj_to_string(j) + secret
    const hashed = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(str_to_hash).digest('hex')
    return hashed

const market_api_validate_signature = function(j, secret){
  const nl_sig = j["signature"]
  delete j["signature"]
  const our_sig = market_api_generate_signature(j, secret)
  return nl_sig === our_sig
}'/on_purchase', (req, res) => {
  if (!market_api_validate_signature(, secret_key))
    res.send("invalid signature")

  let response = + " bought item" +


OAuth + OpenID identity provider

Neverlose now supports OAuth authorization and being an OpenID idP.

Supported api versions and their docs:

Client IDs are issued manually.
If you need one, please open a new support ticket and describe your use-case, we will gladly register your app if it meets our guidelines.


Endpoint URL
Auth URI
Token URI
OIDC Userinfo

OAuth behavior

  • Supported response types: code
  • Supported grant types: authorization_code
  • Refresh tokens are NEVER issued, access_token expire time can be adjusted at request
  • state parameter is required unless no_state is in scope
  • PKCE (code_challenge) is required unless you have good reason to not implement it. no_pkce will not work unless you are permitted to use it
  • PKCE S256 is the only supported challenge method (plain is not supported)

Supported OAuth scopes

Scope Description
profile Read access to user's login and profile picture
email Read access to user's email
openid Required to access OIDC endpoints
no_state Allows to omit state parameter during auth flow
no_pkce Allows to skip/omit PKCE during auth flow
(requires special permission)

Supported OpenID Userinfo claims

Field Content Scope needed
sub Numeric user id (presented as string per OIDC spec) openid
preferred_username User's login profile
name User's login profile
profile URL to user's profile (forum) profile
picture URL to user's profile picture (PNG) profile
email User's email email


No description, website, or topics provided.






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