This is a simple and easy way for you to execute commands inside a k8s pod, watch logs through the websocket proxy and even download current or previous logs with specific container name.
- A terminal is not just an input field.
- It's a complex system that provides advanced formatting and interactivity with the user, over a plain character stream.
- Here is a classic case: if you transmit the command
to the ssh pty, then the response you received would be "clear: command not found" - So we should listen and compare
each character
instead of inputting a full command with the\n
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o exec-bin example/main.go
./exec-bin -kubeconfig=$HOME/.kube/config --proxyservice=
- if you run the exec binary file inside a k8s pod, just use the command below:
./exec-bin --proxyservice=
go run websocket_client.go --addr=host:port --mode=log -alsologtostderr=true -v=4
go run websocket_client.go --addr=host:port --mode=ssh -alsologtostderr=true -v=4