Neuron Nexus Image Upscale is a Go framework for upscaling images. It allows you to frame the original image to fit a custom aspect ratio. The framework allows you to place the image in a frame with the original color (white) or in a frame of a custom color. Images can be imported in .png, .jpg and .gif. Export is available in .png and .jpg.
go get -u
package main
import (
imageupscaler ""
func main() {
upscaler := imageupscaler.New()
err := upscaler.SetImage("./test.jpg")
if err != nil {
file, err := os.Create("./test2.jpg")
if err != nil {
defer file.Close()
//upscaler.Upscale(3, 2)
upscaler.UpscaleWithColor(3, 2, color.RGBA{172, 25, 135, 255})
upscaler.Render(imageupscaler.JPG, file, nil)
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