Paper | Link |
Data | Link |
Raw data location | |
# nodes | ~300 |
# edges | |
# synapses | |
# graphs | 2 |
- has chemical and gap junction graphs
- has some single-cell transcriptomics
- has cell lineage
Paper | Link |
Data | |
Raw data location | |
# nodes | ~50 - 150 per graph? |
# edges | |
# synapses | |
# graphs | 8 |
- time series of graphs (though from different animals)
- 2 animals at the last timepoint
- I have code to pull data
Paper | not yet available |
Data | we have it |
Raw data location | CATMAID |
# nodes | 2971 |
# edges | ~100k |
# synapses ~300k | |
# graphs | 1 |
- Have incomplete cell lineage
- I think Marta's lab has some single cell scRNAseq
- Have edge type split by axo, dendrite
Paper | Link |
Data | Link |
Raw data location | neuPrint |
# nodes | 20 - 25k, 67k more small objects |
# edges | |
# synapses | 64M |
# graphs | 1 |
Paper | Link |
Data | Link to overview, Link to CATMAID |
Raw data location | CATMAID |
# nodes | |
# edges | |
# synapses | |
# graphs | 1 |
Paper | Link |
Data | not yet available (I think) |
Raw data location | CATMAID |
# nodes | 2728 |
# edges | 11437 |
# synapses | |
# graphs | 1 |
Paper | Link |
Data | |
# nodes | ~200? |
# edges | |
# synapses | |
# graphs |
a.k.a. look at the data, more or less
Things that we always want to know about a graph. Usually:
- Number of nodes
- Number of edges
- For a connectome, maybe number of actual synapses
- compute the density (p) for each connectome, can simply plot each.
- Test different hypotheses about
$\hat{B}$ (see statistical connectomics)- is it more densely connected within block than between? To what extent?
- maybe can compare this for many of the connectomes. probably not all
- core-periphery
- etc.
- is it more densely connected within block than between? To what extent?
- If any putative cell types are known, use those
- now we get a more refined SBM than the above, maybe interesting, maybe not?
- cell type data may not be available for all of the above
- can do similar tests, results may or may not be different
- Scree plots
- estimation of rank (ZG2)
- not sure that this will be interesting to compare across connectome or not. would have to normalize for the number of nodes somehow, i'd think.
- Can just look at distribution of edge weight for each, i guess where weight is number of synapses
- in/out degree distribution, marginals and joint, is easy enough to plot.
- again, don't know whether it'll be meaningful to compare across connectome or not
- can test for whether cell pairs (or blocks?) are more likely than chance to connect (homotypic affinity)
- requires having cell pairs
- probably only maggot and c. elegans
- degree of reciprocal feedback? had thought about something along the lines of testing for the difference between left and right latent positions. but maybe a simpler first statistic to compute is: P(edge from j to i | edge from i to j)
- can try to incorporate homotypic affinity also... or correlation L/R
- figure 3 from maggot paper
- is the adjacency a noisy version of the contact graph?
- how does rank change as we jitter xyz of synapses
- could we also just swap synapses in an epsilon ball and see how structure changes?
- had talked about trying to cluster the line graph
- spectral embedding of the line graph looked bad when I tried it. Need to follow up.
- maggot data
- could be spectral, could be GM
- results maybe bad?
- could use morphology, could not