Deprecation note: Instead of using web3-music-subgraph to crawl all music NFT IDs, we're now using neume-network's call-block-logs strategy directly.
This is a fork of Spinamp's web3-music-subgraph that aggregates various web3 music platforms. The goal is to aggregate all web3 music into a single, highly normalized and queryable schema.
- Running live here
- We're currently using it in neume-network/strategies
The Zora integration (which includes catalog) is sliced out from and also just tracks plain ERC721 transfers with mints triggered based on the first transfer. With Zora, it does not seem possible to filter out for web3 music only using just on-chain data, so filtering non-music nfts out will likely happen in a post-processing phase.
The NOIZD integration is pretty simple, just tracking plain erc721 transfers, with mints triggered based on the first transfer.
The integration was sliced out of from It tracks artist profile creation, edition and nft creation.
See LICENSE file.