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Restrict WordPress user enumeration

Restrict public user enumeration in a WordPress site - multisite compatible

What happens here

  • removes the rest api endpoinis forwp-json/wp/v2/users(/<n>|<username>) if not logged in or subscriber
  • removes the XML-Sitemap users list vom the core XML-Sitemap(since WP5.5) if not logged in or subscriber
  • redirects any author archive pages /?author=<n>, /author/<n> to /404

When to use

Use on Not-Blog pages where you don't want to show author information at all this brings you additional silence in login-form brut-force attacs. It does however not replace login-form security, so take care of that.

Different way to approach

On Blog or (Multi-)author pages where you want to show author pages you should use a capability plugin and disable edit/write posts/pages access for administrators. They will then not be listed anymore (in theory, i still have to test this). If that works, the authors listing will does what it says. An attacked author account may be not as bad as an admin-account.

How to install

In your /wp-content/ directory create a folder mu-plugins if it's not allready there. Upload the files to this new directory. No further activation neccesarry.


Same as install. Since every thing here is handwork, you need to upload yourself.

Whats next?

Other Plugins like YoastSeo may bring in new exposure like the author information in opengraph-tags for Slack


  • Remove YoastSeo - its bloated at all, use Redirection Plugin and Custom Fields instead
  • If you cant remove it whatsoever - check all YoastSeo options to get a complete solution


If you use a Rest API control plugin like RestAPI Disabler it will not be able to control the Users Endpoint anymore. Other Endpoints will remain controlable.

GL & HF.